On the basis of comprehensively sorting out the research on ethnohistorical theory, centering on the core issue of the pattern of pluralism and unity of the Chinese nation and the cohesion of the Chinese nation, and using fair theoretical persuasion and sufficient historical materials, systematically and comprehensively expound the main issues and viewpoints of ethnohistoriography theory, further clarify the objective historical fact that our country is jointly created by multiple ethnic groups, clarify the context of the development of ethnic relations in our country and the historical contributions of ethnic minorities, and put forward new insights on some major theoretical issues. Efforts should be made to construct a preliminary system of ethnohistorical theory to provide a theoretical and historical basis for understanding and handling ethnic issues today.
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China: Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County Volume中国民族地区经济社会调查报告·鄂伦春自治旗卷
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China - Oroqen Autonomous Banner Volume中国民族地区经济社会调查报告:贡山独龙族怒族自治县卷
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China: Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County Volume中国民族地区全面小康社会建设研究
Investigation Reports on XiaoKang Society Building in China's Ethnic Regions文本解读与田野实践:新疆历史与民族研究
Text interpretation and field work:History and ethnic minorities in xinjiang