This book includes more than 5,000 figures, including emperors, concubines, kings, princesses, and lords who have played a certain role, ministers and generals with certain deeds and influences, leaders of various ethnic minorities, important leaders of various ministries, famous leaders and representatives of the uprising, scientists, inventors, scholars, writers, artists, famous doctors, famous craftsmen, religious leaders and famous figures who have made contributions to the economy, culture, science and technology, etc.
Research on Chinese Culture External Discourse System and Communication Strategy新中国民俗学研究70年
70 Years of Folklore Research in New China中国公民文化建设的政治逻辑研究
Study on the Political Logic of the Construction of Chinese Civic Culture中国民族地区经济社会调查报告·红寺堡卷
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China - Hongshibao Volume中国民族地区经济社会调查报告.生态卷
Report on Economic and Social Survey of Ethnic Areas in China. Ecology Volume