This book attempts to investigate the developmental characteristics of different types of ambiguous words in the mental lexicon of Chinese English learners.Based on existing models of bilingual mental lexicon representation and development, the authors use different experimental tasks to examine Chinese English learners' processing of different types of disambiguating words, and find that there are interactions between the mental representations of bilingual vocabulary at the lexical, semantic, and conceptual levels, as well as cross-linguistic activation and inhibition between monolingual and bilingual vocabulary, so as to shed light on the imbalance in the representation, extraction, and development of different types of disambiguous words, and the significance of conceptual reconstruction for the development of bilingual vocabulary knowledge.imbalance between different types of ambiguous words, and the significance of conceptual reconstruction for the development of second language lexical knowledge.The results of this study will help to deepen the understanding of the mechanism of bilingual acquisition and improve the effectiveness of English vocabulary teaching.
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