China's modern history is not only a history of humiliation, but also a history of the Chinese people's unyielding struggle for national independence and national prosperity. The so-called humiliation is mainly reflected in the "sinking" period of history, and the so-called struggle is mainly reflected in the "rising" period of history. This is not to say that there was no struggle during the "sinking" period of history, during that period the Chinese people had many struggles, but because the degree of awakening was not enough, the material strength was not enough, and the struggle experience was not enough, the struggle of the Chinese people at that time was not enough to stop the "sinking" of Chinese society; In the period of "ascent" in history, it was not without humiliation, and the aggression of Japanese imperialism against China was even more serious than the damage caused to China by previous imperialist aggressions, but thanks to the unprecedented national awakening and unprecedented arduous struggle of the Chinese people, Chinese society not only avoided further "sinking" but also won a complete victory in the anti-aggression war and laid the foundation for China's modernization.
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