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Population Management Reform and Social Security Inclusion: Local Experience and Overall Design


人口控制 改革 研究 中国 社会保障






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This book brings together the main results of the 2014-2015 innovation project "Population Management Reform and Social Security Inclusion Research" of the Institute of Population and Labour Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.The research of this innovative project revolves around the theme of equalisation of basic public services.The theme of equalisation of basic public services.The introduction and development of this policy has laid down the guiding principles and evaluation criteria for the promotion of social security reform, and at the same time called for the deepening of population management reform.Therefore, with the equalisation of basic public services as the connecting link, the population management reform and social security inclusion actually influence and promote each other.This book examines and analyses the organic links between population management reform and social security inclusion from the perspectives of theory, practice and policy.The main contents include a theoretical research chapter, a local study chapter, and a policy discussion chapter.After 2015, both population management reform and social security reform have been progressing, and the integrative role of equalisation of basic public services has become more and more obvious.The report of the 19th CPC Central Committee puts forward that the equalisation of basic public services should be accelerated.Taking this as a guiding principle and opportunity, population management reform and social security reform will be further deepened.This book can provide some research references for the deepening reform and coordinated promotion of these two aspects.
