“The “Report on the Development of China's Minority Areas” is a specially commissioned project of the National Social Science Foundation of China (Project No. 13@ZH001), and a major project of the Academy of Social Sciences' Innovation Project. This volume is the first in a series of reports on the development of the Qinghai region since the 21st century.
This volume provides an in-depth survey of the political, cultural, economic, educational and religious issues of the Methodist Salar Autonomous County in Qinghai since the 21st century, as well as an evaluation of its development.
The Propagation of the Max,Engles and Lenin’s Literature on the Ethno-National Theory in China for More Than 100 Years作为实验的田野研究:中国现代民俗学的“科玄论战”
Field Research as Experiment: The “Kexuan War” in Modern Chinese Folklore Studies中国城乡融合进程中农村文化的变迁与发展
Changes and Development of Rural Culture in the Process of Urban-Rural Integration in China中国民族地区经济社会调查报告.那曲县卷
Report on Economic and Social Survey of Ethnic Areas in China. Nagqu County Volume满族民间文化论文集
Essays on Manchu Folk Culture