Subject Headings:Shanghai Archaeology Forum. World Archaeology. Culture Contact. Cultural Diversity.
The Journal of the World Archaeological Forum is a grand academic event sponsored by the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and other organisations, with the participation of famous archaeologists from more than ten countries.The Proceedings of the World Archaeological Forum, edited by the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Shanghai Research Institute, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, and Shanghai University, is a collection of the best papers published in the World Archaeological Forum.This anthology contains texts on history and archaeology by selected scholars from China and abroad, as well as introductions to the top ten world archaeological discoveries evaluated in that year, and a large number of pictures provided by renowned archaeologists reflecting the situation of archaeological sites around the world.It is an excellent book to understand the current status of world archaeology.
Warfare,Drought,and Agriculture:Coping with Conflict and Food Insecurity
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Investigating and Preserving Copán’s Cultural Heritage
Archaeology for a Young Future:the New Syrian Life of the Ancient City of Urkesh
The Archaeology of China:From the First Village to the First State
World Archaeology Keynote Lecture Series
The Use of Water in Arid Southwestern Asia:from Neolithic Wells to Historical Water Systems
Hydraulic Society and Water Management in the Ancient Maya Lowlands of Mesoamerica
Water Management and the Development of Early Centralized Societies in the Mesopotamian World
Aztec Rituals for Making Rain:the Aquatic Offerings of the Great Temple of Tenochtitlan
The Power of Water and Dragons in Three Early Cities:Cahokia,Paquime,and Liangzhu
The Archaeological Study on the Water Infrastructure and System of the Han Chang’an City
Public Archaeology Keynote Lecture
Climate Change and the Rise and Fall of the Civilization of Angkor
Water and Urbanism in the Indus Civilization of Pakistan and India,2600-1900 BCE
New Discoveries from the Giza Plateau:The Lost Port City of the Pyramids
Monumentality and Social Organisation:a European Prehistoric Perspective
“You Care for the Land and Water it”:Our Changing Relationships with Water
Abstracts of Other Presentations
The Changes of the Lower Yellow River Region in the Longshan Period and the Civilisation Evolution
Archaeological Discovery and Research of Kunming Reservior Water System of Han and Tang Dynasties
Recent Archaeological Excavations and New Understandings of the Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site
Investigating Ancient kiln Industry in the Upper Gan River:a Surface Survey and Probing Result
An Archaeological Discovery on the Fortification System in Chongqing during the Song-Mongol War
Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Analysis of Human Bones of Xinglongou in 8000 BP
The Earliest Coal Fire in the World:The Jirentaigoukou site at Nilek,Xinjiang
Recent Development of the Bronze Age Archaeology Culture in the Bortala River Valley in Xinjiang
Urban Water Management at Xi’an Region during the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty
New Archaeological Discoveries of Koguryo and Bohai in Jilin Province Since 21st Century
Dose Rice Agricultural Practice Originate from Continental Shelf Along the East China Sea?
“I Have Never Polluted the River Nile” Egypt-Current Practices In the Museums of Egypt
Geoarchaeology of Maya Wetland Agroecosystems in Global Contexts
Water as a Commodity and as a Source of Symbolic and Artistic Inspiration in the Prehistoric Aegean
Water in the Desert:Water Storage Systems at Tel Beer-sheba and Tel Arad
Preservation and Presentation of Prehistoric Sites:A Historic Survey from Turkey
Trade,Technology,and Ideology of the Indus Cities,2600-1900 BCE
The Emergence and The Dispersal of Neolithic Way of Living-Form Core to Peripheries
Living in the Floodplain:Human Adaptations in the Lower Paraná River of South America
Water,Society and Civilization at Bhitargarh Archaeological Site in Bangladesh
A Nazi Hideout at the Border of the Parana River(Paraguay and Argentina)
Importance of Waterscape in Town Planning in Ancient Sri Lanka
Water,Climate Change,and the Origins of Southeast Asian states
Development and Evaluation of China's Vegetable Industry Policy当代中国近代社会史研究
Law and Economy: Rethinking and Innovating the Construction of Rule of Law in China's Market Economy.2014.Vol.2中国民族史学史纲要
Reform of China's Rural Land Acquisition System: Review and Prospect