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Annual Report on China's Social Development. 2016


社会发展 研究报告 中国 2016






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中国社会科学院社会发展战略研究院连续组织了“社会态度与社会发展状况”的大型社会调查,成功发布了《中国社会发展年度报告(2012)》、《中国社会发展年度报告》, 自2012年出版以来,引起社会的广泛关注。2016年,在总结前三年社会发展状况调查的基础上,继续实施调查计划,依据科学抽样和统计分析方法,对全国总体的社会经济发展状况进行系统评估,并形成《中国社会发展年度报告(2016)》,包括:社会景气、社会包容、公众参与、城市公共服务包容性评估、社会管理绩效评估、城市居民生活质量、城市居民工作环境、民众的环境满意度、政府信任、城市居民社区参与等方面。

The Institute of Social Development Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences has continuously organized large-scale social surveys on “social attitudes and the state of social development”, and successfully published the Annual Report on Social Development in China (2012) and the Annual Report on Social Development in China, which have attracted widespread attention in society since their publication in 2012. in 2016. On the basis of summarizing the previous three years' surveys on the status of social development, we continued to implement the survey plan, based on scientific sampling and statistical analysis methods, to systematically assess the overall socio-economic development status of the country, and to form the “Annual Report on China's Social Development (2016)”, which includes: social prosperity, social inclusion, public participation, assessment of the inclusiveness of urban public services, assessment of the performance of social management, the quality of urban residents' lives quality, urban residents' working environment, people's environmental satisfaction, government trust, and urban residents' community participation.
