In the process of transforming Chinese literature from tradition to modernity, Zhou Zuoren reconstructed the traditional Chinese literary order through the modern discovery and interpretation of traditional Chinese literature, striving to revive Chinese literature and art and build a new Chinese literature. This book sorts out Zhou Zuoren's literary research on the Book of Poetry, the excavation of primitive Confucianism, the discovery of the atmosphere of the articles of the Six Dynasties, the refutation of the Tang and Song texts and the Tongcheng texts, the identification with the rebellion of the late Ming articles, the organization of ideas and articles in the notes of the Qing people, and the selection of traditional article styles. Zhou Zuoren used the "unauthentic method of other responsibilities" to reconstruct the unorthodox tradition of "Yanzhi" within traditional Chinese literature, and tried to build modern Chinese literature on top of this tradition.
Historical Essay on Chinese Folk Tale Research: 1949-2018当代中国文论话语:主体建构与身份认同
Contemporary Chinese Literary Discourse: Subject Construction and Identity艺术特质视域下的中国抒情传统研究:以两汉诗学接受为中心
Research on Chinese Lyric Tradition in the Perspective of Artistic Qualities: Centering on the Reception of Poetics in the Two Han Periods中国现代小说风景叙事研究
A Study of Landscape Narration in Modern Chinese Novels二十世纪中国小说“隔膜”主题研究
Study on the Theme of “Diaphragm” in Twentieth Century Chinese Novels