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Research on Tourism Industry Development Mode in Northwest Ethnic Areas Oriented by Multiple Goal Systems

民族地区 地方旅游业 旅游业发展 发展模式 研究 西北地区






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The development of ethnic tourism in China's ethnic areas, led by the value of a single economy, has had a series of negative effects, leading to unsustainable development of the ethnic tourism industry and economic and social development. This book attempts to establish a new value system and target system to lead the development of ethnic tourism in China. It deeply reflects on and evaluates the results and impact of the development of the tourism industry in ethnic areas of China, explores and studies a new model of ethnic tourism that meets the simultaneous development of ecological, social, cultural and human values and achieves economic value, as well as its operating mechanism, path and implementation methods. It also deeply studies the institutional mechanisms at the macro-government level, meso-industry level and micro-economic entity level that ensure the scientific and effective operation of this model.
