电视电影 调查研究 中国 2017
This book is the result of the "Video Program Audience Satisfaction Research" team of Zhejiang University of Media and Communication. The team obtains big data such as online news, microblogs, forums, and bullet screens, applies artificial intelligence technology, and calculates the praise and depreciation, which becomes a quantifiable indicator for the evaluation of the social benefits of media products; From June to December 2016, he conducted in-depth research on the 206 TV series, 102 variety shows, and 100 stars broadcast in prime time on Shangxing Channel.
China's Development Path in International Perspective中国传媒产业生态系统健康评价研究
Study on Ecosystem Health Assessment of Media Industry in China新形势下大学生跨文化交际能力培养对比研究:英文
Research on Intercultural Communlcation Competence of University Students消费文化传播与媒体社会责任
The Communication of Consumer Culture and the Social Responsibilities of Media像素的悖论:中国未成年人数字化阅读实证研究
The Paradox of Pixels: An Empirical Study of Chinese Minors' Digital Reading