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Toward the Road of Revival: Exploration and Development of the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics


中国特色社会主义 社会主义建设模式 研究






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The question of the road is the first and foremost issue related to national rejuvenation.If the road is correctly chosen, national rejuvenation and national development will be on a straight path, bringing happiness and well-being to the people; if the road is wrongly chosen, national rejuvenation and national development will suffer setbacks, bringing pain and disaster to the people."History is the best textbook."Through sorting out and analysing the history of the Party and the country, this book profoundly explains the historical inevitability of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people's choice of Marxism, the road to socialism, and the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.And from China's advanced elements choosing socialism to save China to the Party leading the people to choose socialism with Chinese characteristics to develop China, it profoundly explains that: the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental achievement of the Party and the people of China for more than 90 years of struggles, creations, and accumulations; it is the fundamental summing up of more than 30 years of practice of reform and opening up; and it condenses the realisation of the national rejuvenation, which has been the great dream of the Chinese people in the recent times.
