This book is aimed at the TRIPS Agreement and China's intellectual property public policy, with a total of 11 chapters and 39 sections. This book presents the history of the development of the TRIPS Agreement and IP public policy from a historical perspective; Theoretical arguments for the nature of the TRIPS Agreement debate and theoretical models of IP public policies; From a practical point of view, it collects data to analyze China's national conditions and the major opportunities and severe challenges brought to China by the TRIPS Agreement, and draws on the successful experience of intellectual property public policies in the United States, Japan, South Korea and India from a country-by-country perspective. This book proposes that on the premise of actively fulfilling the obligations of the TRIPS Agreement, China should formulate intellectual property public policies that are balanced in interests, dynamic and progressive and suitable for national conditions. At present, China's intellectual property public policy should focus on the combination of intellectual property public policy and innovation policy, reform the establishment of central and local intellectual property administrative institutions, improve the level of intellectual property management of enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes, and promote the integration of intellectual property system and intellectual property culture.
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