The Silk Road Qinlongnan Road refers to the international communication route from the historical Qindi (Guanzhong Province) to the west, crossing the southern section of Longshan Mountain, passing through the southern part of Longyou Region (the southern edge of the Longxi Loess Plateau and Hehuang area) to the eastern part of the Hexi Corridor and communicating with the outside world. Under the guidance of relevant theories of historical geography and economic geography, this book comprehensively uses traditional methods such as historical philology, archaeology, field investigation, satellite image survey and analysis, Google Earth path simulation survey and other new methods to investigate the physical geographical basis, time process of evolution, route direction and route along the formation of the South Qinlong Road of the Silk Road, analyzes the reasons for the evolution of the South Qinlong Road and the regional cultural effects from the perspectives of climate change and geopolitics, and summarizes the law of the evolution of the South Qinlong Road on this basis. This book's attempt to study the high-precision restoration of the traffic route direction of the Chang'an Tonggu Zang South Road in the Han and Tang Dynasties has reference significance for the breakthrough of historical traffic line research ideas and the innovation of research methods and means.
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