Although the Charity Law is a recent new law in China, the charity it regulates not only throughout the thousands of years of human history, but also has a foreign legislative history of more than 400 years. According to the author of this book, Dr. Lu Xin, it faces at least three dilemmas, namely "the dilemma of the legality of citizen charity", "the dilemma of the legitimacy of government charity" and "the dilemma of the effectiveness of charity supervision"; The essence of these dilemmas lies in the division of civil rights and government power, and their specific issues are complex and undoubtedly worthy of serious consideration and exploration by legal scholars.(AI翻译)
1215年《大宪章》(Magna Carte 1215)
1217年《大宪章》(Magna Carte 1217)
1225年《大宪章》(Magna Carte 1225)
1279年《永久经营法》(The Statue of Mortmain 1279)
1290年《永久经营法》(The Statue of Mortmain 1290)
1390年《教士财产限制法》(Statue of Retraining Riches of the Clergy)
1532年《永久经营法》(The Statue of Mortmain 1532)
1535年《用益法》(Statute of Uses 1535)
1536年《济贫法》(Poor Law 1536)
1545年《教会解散法》(The Dissolution Chantries Act 1545)
1547年《教会解散法》(The Dissolution Chantries Act 1547)
1549年《统一法》(Act of Uniformity 1549)
1552年《济贫法》(Poor Law 1552)
1555年《济贫法》(Poor Law 1555)
1558年《统一法》(Act of Uniformity 1558)
1597年《济贫法》(Poor Law 1597)
1597年《慈善用益法》(Charitable Use Act 1597)
1601年《慈善用益法》(Charitable Use Act 1601)
1688年《宽容法》(The Tolerance Act 1688)
1698年《宽容法》(The Tolerance Act 1698)
1697年《济贫法》(Poor Law 1697)
1736年《永久经营法》(The Mortmain Act 1736)
1786年《慈善捐赠法》(Returns of Charitable Donations Act 1786)
1812年《慈善捐赠登记法》(Charitable Donations Registrations Act 1812)
1812年《慈善信托财产滥用救济法》(An Act to Provide a Summary Remedy in Cases of Abuses of Trusts Created for Charitable Purposes)
1818年《慈善信托法》(Charitable Trusts Act 1818)
1819年《慈善基金法》(Charitable Foundations Act 1819)
1819年《慈善信托法》(Charitable Trusts Act 1819)
1853年《慈善信托法》(The Charitable Trusts Act of 1853)
1853年《慈善捐赠法》(Charitable Donations Act 1853)
1855年《慈善信托法》(Charitable Trusts Act 1855)
1860年《慈善信托法》(The Charitable Trusts Act of 1860)
1860年《罗马天主教慈善法》(The Roman Catholic Charities Act 1860)
1872年《慈善信托受托法人法》(Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act 1872)
1883年《伦敦城和堂区慈善组织法》(The City London and Parochial Charities Act 1883)
1888年《永久营业和慈善用益法》(Mortmain and Charitable Use Act 1888)
1891年《永久营业和慈善用益法》(Mortmain and Charitable Use Act 1918)
1916年《战争时期慈善组织法》(War Charities Act 1916)
1916年《警察,工厂等(其他)法》[Police,Factory,etc.(Miscellaneous Provisions)Act 1916]
1939年《逐户募捐法》(House to House Collections Act 1939)
1940年《战争时期慈善组织法》(War Charities Act 1940)
1954年《慈善信托(生效)法》[Charitable Trust(Validation)Act 1954]
1958年《娱乐慈善法》(Recreational Charities Act 1958)
1960年《慈善法》(Charity Act 1960)
1985年《慈善法》(Charities Act 1985)
1992年《慈善法》(Charities Act 1992)
1993年《慈善法》(Charity Act 1993)
2005年《慈善与受托人投资法(苏格兰)》[Charities and Trustee Investment Act 2005(Scotland)]
2006年《慈善法》(Charity Act 2006)
2008年《慈善法(北爱尔兰)》[Charities Act 2008(Northern Ireland)]
2011年《慈善法》(Charity Act 2011)
2012年《小额慈善捐赠法》(Small Charitable Donations Act 2012)
1776年《宾夕法尼亚州宪法》(The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania)
1780年《马萨诸塞州宪法》(The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
1894年《关税法》(The Tariff Act 1894)
1913年《联邦个人所得税法》(The Federal Income Tax Act 1913)
1939年《国内税收法典》(Internal Revenue Code)
1986年《慈善募捐示范法》(A Model Act Concerning the Solicitation of Funds For Charitable Purposes)
1987年《非营利法人示范法》(Revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act)
1996年《统一非法人非营利社团法》(The Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act)
2000年《统一信托法》(The Uniform Trust Code)
Charities Act(Ireland)2009
2004年《慈善目的扩展法》(The Extension of Charitable Purpose Act 2004)
2012年《慈善与非营利组织委员会法》(Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012)
2013年《慈善法(澳大利亚)》[Charities Act 2013(Australia)]
2005年《慈善法(新西兰)》[Charitable Act 2005(New Zealand)]
2012年《慈善法(新西兰)》[Charitable Act 2012(New Zealand)]
2007年《慈善法(新加坡)》[Charitable Act 2007(Singapore)]
《民法典》(Buergerliches Gesetzbuch)
《社团法》(Gesetz zur Regelung des oeffentlichen Vereinsrechts)
《基金会法现代化法》(Gesetz zur Modernisierung des Stiftungsrechts 2002)
《巴登—符腾堡州募捐法》(Baden-Württemberg Sammlungsgesetz)
《巴伐利亚州募捐法》(Bayerisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《黑森州募捐法》(Hessisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《下萨克森州募捐法》(Niedersächsisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《北莱茵—威斯特法伦州募捐法》(Sammlungsgesetz für das Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen)
《莱茵兰—普法尔茨州募捐法》(Sammlungsgesetz für Rheinland-Pfalz)
《萨尔州募捐法》(Saarländisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《石勒苏益格—荷尔斯泰因州募捐法》(Schleswig-Holstein Sammlungsgesetz)
《不来梅州募捐法》(Bremisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《柏林募捐法》(Berlin Sammlungsgesetz)
《汉堡市募捐法》(Hamburges Sammlungsgesetz)
《前波美拉尼亚州募捐法》(Sammlungsgesetz des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
《勃兰登堡州募捐法》(Sammlungsgesetz des Landes Brandenburg)
《萨克森州募捐法》(Sächsisches Sammlungsgesetz)
《图林根州募捐法》(Thüringer Sammlungsgesetz)
《萨克森—安哈尔特州募捐法》(Sachsen-Anhalt Sammlungsgesetz)
[1]Case of the Master and Fellows of Magdalen College(1572-1616)11 Co Rep 66,75a,77 ER 1235,1248.
[2]Plate v.St John’s College(1638)Duke 77.
[3]Pember v.Inhabitants of Kington(1639)1 Eq Cas Abr 95.
[4]Woodford Inhabitants v.Parkburst(1639)Duke 70.
[5]A-G v.Pearce(1740)2 Atk 87.
[6]Isaac v.Defriez(1754)Amb 595.
[7]Christ’s College,Cambridge,Case(1757)1 Wm Bl 90.
[8]Jones v.Williams(1767)Ambl.651,652.
[9]A-G v.Bishop of Chester(1785)1 Bro.Chan.Ca.444,21 ER 907.
[10]Grieves v.Case(1792)4 Bro.Chan.Ca.67,2.
[11]A-G v.Stepney(1804)10 Ves 22,32 ER 751.
[12]Morice v.Bishop of Durham(1804-1805)9 Ves 399,32 ER 656,10 Ves 522,32 ER 947.
[13]A-G v.Exeter Power(1809)1 Ball & B 145.
[14]A-G v.Price(1810)17 Ves 371.
[15]Powell v.A-G(1817)3 Mer 48.
[16]Kirkbank v.Hudson(1819)7 Price 212,146 ER 951.
[17]A-G v.Exeter Corpn(1826)2 Russ 45.
[18]A-G v.Vint(1850)3 De G & Sm 704.
[19]Barclay v.Maskelyne(1858)32 LT 205;32 LTOS 205.
[20]Cox Eq Cas 301,1 Ves 548,29 ER 782;Dundee Magistrates v.Dundee Presbytery(1861)4 Macq 228.
[21]Re Sir Robert Peel’s School at Tamworth,ex p Charity Comrs(1868)3 Ch App 543,37 LJ Ch 473.
[22]Beaumont v.Oliveira(1869)4 Ch App 309
[23]Bronjohn v.Gale[1869]WN 133.
[24]German v.Chapman(1877)7 ChD 271.
[25]Royal Society of Londonv.Thompson(1881)17 ChD 407.
[26]Re Allsop,Gell v.Carver(1884)1 TLR 4.
[27]Re Wall,Pomeroy v.Willway(1889)61 LT 357;42 ChD 510.
[28]Income Tax Special Purposes Commissioners v.Pemsel[1891-1894]All ER Rep 29.McGovern v.A-G[1896]1 Ch 321,340-343.
[30]Re MacDuff[1896]2 Ch 451,467.
[31]Bowman v.Secular Ltd.[1917]AC 406,442.
[32]Re Rayner,Cloutman v.Regnart(1920)89 LJ Ch 369.
[33]Re Shakespeare Memorial Trust,Earl of Lytton v.A-G[1923]2 Ch 398.
[34]Re Hummeltenberg,Beatty v.London Spiritualistic Alliance[1923]1 Ch 237.
[35]Chesterman v.Federal Commissioner of Taxation[1926]AC 128.
[36]IRC v.Yorkshire Agricultural Society[1928]1 KB 611,620.
[37]Keren Kayemeth Le Jisroel Ltd.v.IRC[1932]AC 650.
[38]Re De Carteret,Forster v.De Carteret[1933]Ch 103.
[39]Re Central Employment Bureau for Women and Students’Careers Association Inc.[1942]1 All ER Rep 232.
[40]National Anti-vivisection society v.IRC[1948]AC 31.
[41]Re Hopkinson;Lloyds Banks Ltd v.Baker[1949]1 All ER 346,350.
[42]Gilmour v.Coats[1949]AC 426.
[43]Oppenheim v.Tobacco Securities Trust Co Ltd[1951]AC 297.
[44]Re Meyers,London Life Association v.St George’s Hospital[1951]Ch 534,1 All ER 538.
[45]Construction Industry Training Board v.A-G[1971]3 All ER 449,1 WLR 1303.
[1]Re Hoey[1994]Qd R 510.
[2]Guaranty Trust Company of Canada v.Minister of National Revenue[1998]3 FC 202.
[3]Human Life International in Canada Inc v.Minister of National Revenue[1998]3 FC 202,217.
[4]Strathalbyn Show Jumping Club Inc v Mayes[2001]SASC 73.
[5]Amateur Youth Soccer Association v.Canada(Revenue Agency)[2007]3 SCR 217.
[1]Jackson v.Phillips,14 Allen(Mass.)539,556(1867).
[2]Spence v.Washington,418 U.S.405(1974).
[3]Lovell v.City of Griffin,303 U.S.444(1938).
[4]Patterson v.Colorado,205 U.S.454,(1907).
[5]Schneider v.State,308 U.S.147(1939).
[6]Schneider v.State,120 N.J.Law 460;200 A.799(1939).
[7]Hague v.CIO,307 U.S.496(1939)
[8]Cantwell ET AL.v.Connecticut,310 U.S.296(1940).
[9]Cantwell ET AL.v.Connecticut,126 Conn.1;8 A.2d 533(1939).
[10]Schenck v.United States,249 U.S.47,(1919).
[11]Jamison v.Texas,318 U.S.413(1943).
[12]Murdock,v.Pennsylvania(City of Jeannette),319 U.S.105(1943).
[13]New York Times Co.v.Sullivan,376 U.S.254(1964).
[14]Texas v.Johnson,491 U.S.397(1989).
[15]Tinker v.Des Moines Indep.Community Sch.Dist.,393 U.S.503(1969).
[16]Brown v.Louisiana,383 U.S.131(1966).
[17]Nat´l Foundation v.City of Ft.Worth,415 F.2d 41(5th Cir.1969).
[18]Hynes v.Mayor&Council of Borough of Oradell,425 U.S.610(1976).
[19]Carey v.Brown,447 U.S.455,(1980).
[20]Citizens for a Better Environment v.Schaumburg,590 F.2d 220(1978).
[21]Schaumburg v.Citizens for a Better Environment,444 U.S.620(1980).
[22]Secretary of State of Maryland v.Joseph H.Munson Co.,Inc.,467 U.S.947(1984).
[23]Riley v.National Federation of the Blind of North Carolina,487 U.S.781(1988).
[24]Miller v.California,413 U.S.15(1973).
[25]Gertz v.Robert Welch,Inc.,418 U.S.323(1974).
[26]Illinois ex rel.Madigan v.Telemarketing Associates,538 U.S.600(2003).
[27]Schenck v United States,249 U.S.47(1919).
[28]Cox v.New Hampshire,312 U.S.569(1941).
[29]Grayned v.City of Rockford,408 U.S.104(1972).
[30]Perry Education Association v.Perry Local Educators Asociation.,460 U.S.45(1983).
[31]Cornelius v.NAACP,473 U.S.788(1985).
[32]United States v.Kokinda,497 U.S.720(1990).
[33]ISKCON v.Lee,505 U.S.672(1992).
[34]Watchtower Bible and Tract Society v.Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.,335 U.S.886(1948).
[35]Bible and Tract Society v.Village of Stratton,536 U.S.150(2002).
[36]Heffron v.ISKCON,452 U.S.640(1981).
[37]Martin v.City of Struthers,319 U.S.141(1943).
[38]Thomas v.Collins,Sheriff,323 U.S.516(1945).
[39]Rescue Army v.Municipal Court of Los Angeles,331 U.S.549(1947).
[40]Breard v.Alexandria,341 U.S.622(1951).
[41]Staub v.City of Baxley,355 U.S.313(1958).
[42]Heffron v.ISKCON,452 U.S.640(1981).
[43]Larson v.Valente,456 U.S.228(1982).
[44]Abrams v.United States,250 U.S.630(1919).
[45]Virginia State Bd.of Pharmacy v.Virginia Citizens Consumer Council,425 U.S.748,762-65(1976).
[46]Chaplinsky v.New Hampshire,315 U.S.568(1942).
[47]United States v.O’Brien,391 U.S.376(1968).
[48]C.C.B v.State of Florida,458 So.2d.47.
[49]Blair v.Shanaha,775F.Supp.1315(1991).
[50]Loper v.New York City Police Dep’t,802 F.Supp.1029(1992).
[51]Young v.New York city transit authority,729 F.Supp.341.(1989).
[52]Loper v.New York City Police Dep’t,999 F.2d 699(1993).
[53]Bob Jones University v.US,461 US 574(1983).
[1]BVerwG I C 150/58(1960).
[2]BVerwG I C 53.62(1965).
[3]BVerfGE 6,32.
[4]BVerfGE 8,71.
[5]BVerfGE 13,21.
[6]BVerfGE 20,150.
[7]BVerfGE 54,148.
[8]BVerfGE 65,1.
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[6]Nicholas Deakin,Meeting the Challenge of Change,Voluntary Action into the 21st Century:Report of the Commission on the Future of the Voluntary Sector,London:NCVO,1996(Deakin Report).
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[8]Cabinet Office Strategy Unit,Private Action,Public Benefit:A Review of Charities and the Wider Not-for-profit Sector,London:Cabinet Office,2002.
[11]Deuschland Öffentlich Verwaltung,1965(DÖV).
[1]Aristotle,Nicomachean Ethics.
[2]Cicero,On Obligation.
[3]Hugo Grotius,On the Law of War and Peace.
[4]Saint Augustine,The City of God against the Pagans.
[5]Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica(Volume 28 Law and Political Theory),Cambridge University Press,2006.
[6]Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica(Volume 37 Justice),Cambridge University Press,2006.
[7]Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica(Volume 38 Injustice),Cambridge University Press,2006.
[8]Thomas Aquinas,Disputed Questions on the Virtue,Cambridge University Press,2005.
[9]John Locke,Two Treatise of Government.
[10]Bodin,Six Books of the Commonwealth.
[12]William Petty,A Treatise of Taxes & Contributions.
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[18]J.S Mill,On Liberty and Other Essays,Oxford University Press,2008.
[19]J.S.Miller,Utilitarianism,Routledge and Kegan Paul,1969.
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[24]Otfried Höffe,Immanuel Kant,translated by Marshall Farrier,State University of New York Press,1994.
[25]Herbert Spencer,Social Statics Abridged and Revised,Watts,1910.
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[63]Sandra Raban,Mortmain legislation and the English church 1279-1500,The Cambridge University Press,1982.
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[68]Kerry O’Halloran,Charity law and social inclusion,The Routledge Press,2006.
[69]Matthew Harding,Charity Law and Liberal State,The Cambridge University Press,2014.
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[71]Jonathan Garton,The Halsbury’s Laws of England(5 Edition),Vol.8(CHARITIES),LexisNexis Press,2010.
[72]Jonathan Garton,Public Benefit in Charity Law,Oxford University Press,2013.
[73]Kerry O’Halloran,The Profits of Charity,The Oxford University Press,2012.
[74]Kerry O’Halloran,Myles McGregor - Lowndes,Karla W.Simon,Charity Law and Social Policy,The Springer Press,2008.
[75]Kerry O’Halloran,Religion,Charity and Human Rights,The Cambridge University Press,2014.
[76]Kerry O’Halloran,Charity Law and Social Inclusion,Routledge,2006.
[77]Robert Meakin,The Law of Charitable Status:Maintenance and Removal,The Cambridge University Press,2008.
[78]Michael King,Charities Act 2006,Law Society Publishing,2007.
[79]Stephen Lloyd,The Charities Act 2006,Jordan Publishing,2007.
[80]Alice Faure Walker,Christine Rigby,Stephanie Biden,Mary Groom,Stephen Lloyd,Charities:The New Law 2006,Jordan Pub,2007.
[81]Samuel Fleischacker,A Short History of Distributive Justice,Harvard University Press,2004.
[82]Peter Luxton,The Law of Charities,Oxford University Press,2001.
[83]Darryll K.Jones,Steven J.Willis,David A.Brennen,and Beverly L.Moran,The Tax Law of Charities and Other Exempt Organizations Cases,Materials,Questions and Activities,Thomson West Press,2007.
[84]Alison Maclennan,The Charities Act 2006,Oxford University Press,2007.
[85]Pircarda,H.,The Law and Practice Relating to Charities,Butterworths Press,1999.
[86]Norman Alvey,From Charity to OXFAM,Phillimore Press,1995
[87]Kathryn Chan,The Public-Private Nature of Charity Law,Hart Publishing,2016.
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