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  • 有闻必录:一个中国新闻口号的兴衰






    新闻工作 研究 中国 近代

    “有闻必录”是横贯晚清民国报界极具感召力的新闻口号,它自1870年代被《申报》引入报刊之后,便长期盘踞在新闻界的话语舞台上,堪称中国近现代报刊史上知名度最高的口号。然而,历史上风行一时的“有闻必录”却给今人留下了种种困惑:(1)该口号从何而来,它有着哪些具体内涵,其发展演进宏观历程究竟是怎样的?(2)对中国新闻界来说,这样一个口号的存在,到底意味着什么,其在历史语境中的必要性与合理性到底在哪里?(3)这样一个在实践操作中有悖常理的新闻认知,为何会在中国新闻界兴起,又为何能够有着绵延长久的生命力?循着“新文化史”的宏观取向,借助历史文献、话语分析等研究办法,本书试图从整体上勾勒“有闻必录”口号的演进脉络。本书之重心,就是要在具体的历史语境中揭露该口号的兴衰动因,进而回答上述几点困惑。本书的主体内容共六章,以时间为线索展开了叙述。前三章主要考察了“有闻必录”在报界出现、扩散与风行的兴起历程,后三章则探讨了该口号被质疑、坚守乃至被抛弃的衰退经过。就兴起阶段而言,“有闻必录”的出现与《申报》的商业诉求密不可分,它形塑了新式报刊在新闻活动中的“有闻”优势;此话语优势,在“史家记事”等古典文化传统的阐释影响下,逐步具备了正当地位,被更多的报刊接受;20世纪初,在新闻界的管控背景下,“有闻必录”成为了新闻人反抗“不录”管控的“必录”抗争话语,进而风行了整个新闻行业。就衰退阶段而言,“五四”时期知识精英站在西方新闻理念等思潮下的集体反思首次强烈冲击了该口号存在的正当性基础,精英话语开始呼唤新的活动准则;面对此景,新闻从业者虽开始了自我反思,却也因政界的打压与新闻活动的分化等现实因素的存在,始终对其不乏坚守;待到1940年代前后,在战时的新闻动员与政党新闻业的报业改造过程中,新闻活动渐渐形塑了新的行为规则,“有闻必录”存在的合理性因素全然丧失,成为了一个在批判中被不断言说的口号。在此基础上,本书表示,“有闻必录”应当被视为一个形塑中国新闻活动边界的本土话语,有着独特的历史价值。该口号讨论的“闻”与“录”话题,触及了新闻活动中关于信息采集与发布这一根本的边界问题,其兴衰历程展现了中国新闻业对于“如何从事新闻工作”的自我思考。中国传统文化元素与本土报业实践语境的融入,使得这一颇具“地方感”的行业话语参与到了新闻活动的边界塑造中,影响了中国新闻业的面貌呈现。此外,时人在历史语境中对“闻”与“录”关系命题的回答,将为我们重新审视当下新闻活动及其边界问题提供有益启发。关键词:“有闻必录”;口号;兴衰;新闻活动;中国新闻业Abstract“You Wen Bi Lu”is an appealing catchword overwhelming the press industry in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.After it was introduced into the press of Shun Pao in 1870s,it had been entrenched in the discourse arena of the press sector,which can be said to be the catchword enjoying highest popularity in the newspaper history of the modern time of China.However,“You Wen Bi Lu”being all the rage in the history still confuses people in several aspects:(1)where is the origin of this catchword? What is its specific connotation? How about its macro evolution history?(2)What does such a catchword mean for the Chinese sector? What is the necessity and rationality in the historic context?(3)Such a news acknowledgement goes against with the common sense in the practical operation.Why can it emerge in the Chinese news sector? How does it maintain the long lasting vitality?Along with the macro direction of“New Cultural History”,this research tries to draw the overall evolution path of“You Wen Bi Lu”through historic literature and discourse analysis method.The focus of this book is to interpret the causes for the rise and decline of this catchword in the specific historic context and thus present answer to the above mentioned confusions.The major content of the research includes 6 chapters,which is illustra ted according to the time links.The first three chapters mainly observe the rising process of emergence,spread and popularization of“You Wen Bi Lu”in the press.The last three chapters discuss the declining process of this catchword being questioned,insisted and given up.In the rising stage,thebook points out that the emergence of“You Wen Bi Lu”is closely related to the commercial pursuit of Shun Pao.It shaped the“You Wen”advantage of the new-type newspapers in the news activities; such a discourse advantage gradually develops the rightful position and was accepted by more journals under the interpretation of the classical cultural tradition of“historical records”; it was till the early 20th century,under the backdrop of government controlling the press,“You Wen Bi Lu”served as the“Bi Lu”discourse of journalists in combating with the“Bu Lu”control and thus overwhelmed the whole industry.In the declining stage,the research believes that the collective retrospection of intellectual elites under the influences of western news philosophy hit the rational foundation of this catchword for the first time.the elite discourse began to call for new activity rules for news; under such a background,the press made self-retrospection,but some of them still insist to such a catchword due to realistic factors of the pressure from political sector and the division of news activities; it was till 1940s,during the process of the newspaper reform among the war-time news mobilization in the political party news industry,news activity gradually shapes new rules for activity.The appropriate factors for the existence of“You Wen Bi Lu”disappeared completely,becoming a catchword mentioned by the criticism.On the basis of this,thebook expresses that“You Wen Bi Lu”shall be regarded as a“local”discourse shaping the boundary of Chinese news activities and it features distinctive historical value.The“Wen”and ‘Lu”discussed in this catchword touched the fundamental boundary issue concerning information collection and release in the news activity.Its rise and decline process presents the self-retrospection of Chinese news industry on“how to carry out news work”.The integration of Chinese traditional cultural factors and the practical context of local newspaper industry made this“local”industrial discourse participate into the boundary creation for news activities and thus affected the face of Chinese news industry.Besides,the contemporaries' interpretation on“Wen”and“Lu”in the historical context brings beneficial enlightenment on us in reviewing current news activities and boundary issues.Key Words: “You Wen Bi Lu”; Catchword; Rise and Decline;Journalistic Activities; Chinese Journalism

