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  • 中国高校学生资助的理论与实践:1997~2016






    高等学校 助学金 学校管理 研究 中国

    本书的写作框架来自于作者20年前开始涉足学生资助研究领域时所设计的团队研究思路。分为三个部分。第一部分是基本理论问题,以学生是否“上得起学”作为问题的核心。是否“上得起学”就是是否“交得起学费”,那么学费的制定是有理论指导的。是按照学生家庭的支付能力、还是按照学生毕业后的收益、或者按照教育成本的一个比例来确定学费标准呢?按家庭支付能力确定学费标准涉及“昨天”——学生父母、即全民人均收入及组间差异;按学生毕业后收益确定学费标准涉及“明天”——毕业了才能有收入,也涉及收入的组间差异,如地区经济、就业机构特征、文凭“含金量”及个体特点等;按教育成本的一个比例确定学费标准涉及“今天”——学校为培养一名学生一年开支了多少钱。因此,本书写作思路从“是否上得起学”往前推,到“学费标准”,再推到“教育成本”。成本有哪些类型及怎样的构成?成本如何确定、如何由学生分担?高校开支中哪些与学生相关哪些与学生无关?这就涉及成本的先剥离后分担。我们再回到基本理论的核心问题“学生是否上得起学”上来。能上得起学当然高兴。如果“上不起学”呢?需要得到资助。谁来资助呢?由于高等教育的准公共产品属性,所在国家的政府、高校、社会力量和金融机构都应该成为学生资助的主体。与主体相对的是学生资助的对象,在中国现实背景下,获得资助的对象是需要准确认定的,因为资助资源总是有限的,要让有限的资助资源发挥最大的作用。当资助的主体和客体都清晰后,资助的类型就需要明朗了,在奖学金、助学贷款、助学金、勤工助学、学费减免等资助方式中,学生贷款成为最重要的方式,也是唯一需要偿还的资助方式,是用金融手段支持教育发展的方式。围绕着学生贷款需要研究的问题有很多,如贷出与还回,担保与保险,利率、补贴与还款折扣,贷款期限、宽限期与展期,还款方式与技术以及违约的判定,等等。这样,第二部分的全部内容就专门集中研究学生贷款问题,包含学生贷款的主体模式、学生贷款补贴、学生贷款偿还、学生贷款违约、学生贷款代偿。可以看出,本书的研究中把回收作为学生贷款研究的核心。第三部分研究的是高校学生资助的效应评价。我们的效应从四个方面展开:作为金融产品的学生贷款,不仅具有财政效应,还具有帮助经济不利人口实现向上社会流动的效应;学生资助首先是帮助贫困学生“上得起学”,但是“上学”本身并不是目的,通过学生资助可以促进学生的发展,这才是年轻人上大学并完成学业的目的;最后,本书从伦理学的视角评价了学生资助政策的伦理效应;再从公共管理的视角评价了学生资助本身的政策效应。如此的“基本理论研究、实践运行要点、多维效应评价”三部分内容,支撑起了《中国高校学生资助的理论与实践(1997—2016)》。迄今为止,国内有关高校学生资助研究的著作性成果不多,这一本50多万字的著作,虽然凝聚的是16位学者的研究精华,但代表的是一个40人的研究团队长达20年的工作方向和系统的研究成果。本书可供关心和服务于大学生事务的高等教育管理工作者、高等教育研究人员、相关的社会各界人士的阅读与参考;可供广大大学生和高中生朋友、特别是来自经济困难家庭的学生们阅读,以了解中国政府的高校学生资助政策及其历史,了解中国高等学校的具体资助措施,了解高校学生资助以及学生贷款的国际经验,更好地把握自己接受高等教育的机会。ABSTRACTThe framework of the book mainly comes from the writer's idea twenty years ago when first entering the field of student financial aid.There are three parts in the book.The first part focuses on the fundamental issues related to whether students could afford higher education,or in other words,afford the tuition.Therefore,it is clear that the practice of tuition policy is of great theoretical significance.To be specific,how to set the tuition standard,by the affordability of the family,by the income after students' graduation,or by a proportion fixed according to the costs of higher education?To set the tuition standard based on the affordability of the family relates to“yesterday”,namely students' parents,indicating the national per-capita income and its intergroup difference.To set the tuition standard based on the income after students' graduation relates to“tomorrow”,and that is to say,students only have their income after graduation and therefore produce the intergroup difference,for instance,regions,employed institutions,diploma,and students themselves.To set the tuition standard based on a proportion fixed according to the costs of higher education relates to“today”,which indicates a school's per student cost for one year.It is clear that the writer starts with the question that whether students could afford higher education followed by the discussion of the tuition standard and costs of higher education.The writer puts forward a series of questions,including the types of costs and its structure,how to set the costs and how to be shared by students,which part of the costs is related to students and which is not.So the cost-sharing should be made after“peeling”.In terms of students' affordability,undoubtedly it is the best result that everyone could afford higher education.However,who should be exactly supported and who should offer the financial aid if a student cannot afford?Since higher education is a kind of mixed goods and not only the governments,higher education institutes,but also the society and NGOs and financial institutes should be the subjects of student financial aid offering.At the same time,we have to define the objects of financial aid because the resources are so scarce under Chinese contexts,so as to maximize the use of existing resources.After the discussion of both the subject and object,the types of financial aid become clear.Among scholarship,student loans,student grants,work-study assistance,tuition waiver,the form of student loans becomes the most important type,which is the only one needed to be repaid.Student loans is a way in which we use financial tool to support the development of higher education,nevertheless there are still many issues in student loans,including the lending and repayment,guarantee and insurance,rate of interest,subsidy and the discount in repayment,grace and extension periods,the way of repayment and the default,etc.Therefore,the second part focuses on student loans,including the main model in student loans,the subsidy,repayment,default,commutation of student loans.Apparently,the core of the part is the recovery of student loans.The third part of the book relates to the evaluation to the effects of student loans in higher education institutes.As a financial product,student loans not only has financial effects,but also the social effects in helping the poor students realize their upward mobility.The first and foremost goal for student financial aid is to let poor students afford higher education,however that is not the ultimate goal.The most important function of student loans is to further student's all-around development,which is also their own goal in college education.Besides,the book also evalu ates the ethical effects of student loans policy followed by policy effects from the perspective of public management.Therefore three parts,the rationales,the practical mechanism,the evaluation of the multi-dimensional effects,all constitute The Theory and Practice of College Student Financial Aid in China(1997-2016).Up till now,there are few research books with regard to student financial aid in higher education institutes in China.Although this thick book is the essence of sixteen scholars,it represents the fruitful and comprehensive work of a team build by forty researchers and scholars for the past two decades.This book can be used for higher education administrators in student affairs,higher education researchers,as well as those with interest in student financial aid.It can also be used for college students and high school students,particularly those coming from underdeveloped families and regions,to know about the policy,history,and measure of student financial aid of Chinese government,student loans and the international experience from global scope,to better grasp their opportunity to go to college.

