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搜索“马峰” 共 4 条记录
  • 丝路发展与读懂中国(中文)

    The Development of Silk Road and Understanding China






    “一带一路” 国际合作 研究

  • 中国与格鲁吉亚:“一带一路”建设与发展

    China and Georgia:the Belt and Road Construction and Development






    “一带一路” 国际合作 中国、格鲁吉亚


  • 命运的共同体:中国-南非青年社会发展参与研究






    青年 社会发展 参与管理 研究 中国、南非

    举世瞩目的中非合作论坛北京峰会,为推动构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体擘划了发展蓝图。中非亲如一家、亲如兄弟的关系从为争取民族解放斗争的时候即已结成。六十多年来,中非命运休戚与共,中非人民相互依靠、相互理解、相互支持,纵使远隔万水千山,我们始终站在一起,发出共同的声音、追求共同的发展价值,为彼此的发展成绩而欢欣鼓舞。中非合作是南南合作的典范,更是不同文明合作和对话的典范。从摆脱殖民统治的民族解放运动到“两极格局”的第三世界团结协作,从冷战后的同舟共济到进入21世纪的紧密合作,从站起来、富起来到强起来,在不同的时代、不同的国际环境中,中非始终不离不弃,中非始终命运相依,中国的身后始终有非洲人民的支持,非洲的身后始终有中国人民的声援和鼎力相助,这是跨越了万水千山的友谊。坦赞铁路的轰鸣见证了六十多年来的坚守,蒙内铁路见证了新时代中非关系的新前景。习近平主席指出:“根之茂者其实遂,膏之沃者其光晔。”习近平:《携手共命运 同心促发展——在二〇一八年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话》,《光明日报》2018年9月4日第2版。历史有其规律和逻辑。中非双方基于相似的遭遇和共同使命,在过去的岁月里同心同向、守望相助,走出了一条特色鲜明的合作共赢之路。青年是中非关系发展的未来,中非合作的成果惠及中非人民,更惠及中非青年。六十多年来,当年蓬勃的少年,中非关系的奠基人有的已然逝去,有的已到耄耋之年,但是一代一代的中非青年薪火相传,接过中非友好的接力棒,不断将中非的亲情、友情传递下去。中非合作、中非友好是青春的友好,无论沧海桑田、世事变迁、时代转换,中非命运共同体始终休戚与共。在当今时代的发展背景下,面对世界发展纷繁复杂的形势,不确定性、不稳定性日益增加的国际环境,中非构建更加紧密的命运共同体有了新的时代内涵。当前,很多国家面临发展的压力、成长的烦恼,2008年国际金融危机造成的影响远没有结束,单边主义的抬头,使以规则为基础的国际关系遭到严峻挑战,逆全球化潮流波涛涌起,这不单单是宏观国际形势的变化,世界发展的态势,更影响到每个人的切身利益。生活在地球村中的人,早就被全球化的潮流所席卷,以邻为壑,人为切断联系既是不可能的,也是不现实的。参与到全球化中的青年,在发展的机遇面前需要技能的培训,在发展的挑战面前需要良好的教育,在发展的前途与人生的抉择面前需要梦想以支撑,在发展的爬坡中需要看到发展的前途,而这些与发展的同频共振是青年所需要的。青年不缺少梦想,不缺少理想,不缺少奋斗的精神,缺少的是人生出彩的舞台。这舞台是经济的增长,这舞台是安定的社会,这舞台是公平的环境,这舞台是良好的教育,这舞台是谋生的技能,这舞台是发展的希望。少年强则国强,其实质点出的是青年有发展的动力,社会就有发展的活力,经济就有发展的能量,国家就会在“独行快”与“众行远”中奔腾向前。习近平主席在访问非洲大陆时,提出“真、实、亲、诚”的对非政策主张,赢得非洲人民的广泛赞誉。中非青年的合作发展,推动中非青年实现人生的出彩,不但是当前时代背景下中非共同面临的社会发展问题,也是需要共同推进的社会发展议程。从中非青年发展的视角,聚焦时代发展的命题和中非合作的新趋向,要努力促进中非青年共同发展,厚植中非青年友谊,解决中非青年发展问题。青年发展是当今时代绕不过的主题,为青年发展厚植动力,促进青年就业是青年立足于社会的基本前提。让青年看到希望,社会才有希望,让青年拥有未来,社会才有前途。加强中非青年合作,让中非青年在中非发展中实现求进步、求发展的人生价值,书写中非青年携手发展,构建中非命运共同体的青春之歌,奉献中非友谊传承的青春力量。习近平主席在2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话中指出:“青年是中非关系的希望所在。我提出的中非‘八大行动’倡议中,许多措施都着眼青年、培养青年、扶助青年,致力于为他们提供更多就业机会、更好发展空间。”《携手共命运 同心促发展--在二〇一八年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话》,《光明日报》2018年9月4日第2版。“‘红日初升,其道大光。’我相信,只要中非友好的接力棒能够在青年一代手中不断相传,中非命运共同体就一定会更具生机活力,中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦和非洲人民团结振兴的非洲梦就一定能够早日实现!”《携手共命运 同心促发展--在二〇一八年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话》,《光明日报》2018年9月4日第2版。携手青年,构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体,要让青年发展融入中非发展的大潮中,以就业为优先,以教育为动力,以职业培训、技能培养为切入点,以青春创业为中非青年合作的新亮点,搭建中非青年创业空间、发展平台,为中非青年搭建更多青春出彩的舞台,人生成长、发展的空间。要实现中非青年梦想的对接。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦是当代中国青年的共同价值追求,接过历史的接力棒,奋进在新时代新征程的新长征中,面向实现建成社会主义现代化强国的梦想,当代中国青年以新时代奋斗者的姿态,在奋斗中幸福,在奋斗中成长,在奋斗中发展,怀揣梦想,砥砺前进。实现团结振兴的非洲梦想,实现非洲大陆的现代化,是非洲青年的梦想和心声。在现代化中谋发展,在现代化中实现人生命运的翻转是中非青年的个人梦想。中非青年梦想的对接,是时代的要求,更是共同走向现代化的发展所需。培养青年、辅助青年,让青年在中非发展的快车道中找到发展的位置,是当代人对下一代人的使命。要实现中非青年创新的对接。当今时代惟创新者赢,惟创新者胜。青年是常新的,青年是敢想敢干敢闯的,这是创新的源泉,更是青年创新的驱动力。第四次工业革命的兴起,创新是核心,发展是目的。对青年既有挑战,也有机遇。青年要积极参与到第四次工业革命带来的全球新旧动能转换的发展之中,在新动能的发展中实现技能的提高和命运的翻转,成为新技术革命中的主干力量。让青年在发展中更好地与技术进步同步,与第四次工业革命同步,让青年成为社会发展的成果创造者、分享者。中非青年共同推动、共同参与“大众创业、万众创新”,让中非合作的成果更多惠及非洲普通青年。聚焦非洲的能力建设,“实施能力建设行动。中国决定同非洲加强发展经验交流,支持开展经济社会发展规划方面合作;在非洲设立10个鲁班工坊,向非洲青年提供职业技能培训;支持设立旨在推动青年创新创业合作的中非创新合作中心;实施头雁计划,为非洲培训1000名精英人才;为非洲提供5万个中国政府奖学金名额,为非洲提供5万个研修培训名额,邀请2000名非洲青年来华交流。”习近平:《携手共命运 同心促发展——在二〇一八年中非合作论坛北京峰会开幕式上的主旨讲话》,《光明日报》2018年9月4日第2版。中非青年合作立足推动非洲自主发展,能力发展,为非洲长远发展积蓄青年人才的财富。要实现中非青年命运共同体的对接。中非命运共同体,离不开青年的参与,中非友好的接力棒需要一代一代的中非青年传承下去。“一带一路”倡议是中非青年合作的重要平台,也是中非青年命运相依的发展平台。“一带一路”倡议将中国与非洲,中非与联合国可持续发展议程,中国与非洲各国的发展战略紧密相连。在发展中搭建互利共赢的发展新前景,而青年是其中的推动力量,更是参与力量。中非共同的创造力、凝聚力、行动力,将中非全面战略合作伙伴关系成功推向新的高度。中非要携手打造责任共担的中非命运共同体,携手打造合作共赢的中非命运共同体,携手打造幸福共享的中非命运共同体,携手打造文化共兴的中非命运共同体,携手打造安全共筑的中非命运共同体,携手打造和谐共生的中非命运共同体。中非携手,青年携手,在走向发展中国家实现现代化的进程中,中非青年携手以进、义利共担,将中非跨越六十多年的友谊传承下去。课题组2020年11月于北京Preface Chinese and African Youth Work Together to Build an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared FutureThe Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation,which attracts worldwide attention,has planned a blueprint for building a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.The brotherhood relationship between China and Africa was formed back at the struggle for national liberation.In the past 60 years,China and Africa have formed a community with a shared future.The Chinese and African people rely on each other,understand each other,and support each other.Even if we are far apart,we always stand together,have common voices,pursue common development values,and feel happy for each other's development achievements.ChinaAfrica cooperation is a model of South-South cooperation and even a model for cooperation and dialogue among different civilizations.From the national liberation movements to free from colonial rule to the cooperation in the third world in the“bipolar structure”,from the solidarity after the Cold War to the close cooperation in the new century,from standing up to becoming rich and to becoming strong,in different times and different international environments,China and Africa have always been inseparable and dependent on each other.China has always been supported by the African people and likewise,the African people have always had support and help from the Chinese people.This is a friendship that spans thousands of kilometers.The steam whistle of Tanzania-Zambia Railway witnesses the persistence of the past 60 years,and the Mombasa-Nairobi StandardGauge Railway witnesses the new prospects of China-Africa relations in the new era.President Xi Jinping pointed out:“Only with deep roots can a tree yield rich fruit; only filled with oil can a lamp burn brightly.”Xi Jinping,“Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future—Keynote Speech at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation”,Xinhuanet,http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-09/03/c_1123373881.htm.History follows its own rules and logic.With similar fate in the past and a common mission,China and Africa have extended sympathy to and helped each other throughout all the years.Together,we have embarked on a distinctive path of win-win cooperation.The youth are the future of China-Africa relations.The achievements of China-Africa cooperation benefit the people,especially young people in China and Africa.In the past 60 years,some of the founders of China-Africa relations have already passed away,and some have already been at very old ages.However,the generations of Chinese and African young people have taken over the baton of China-Africa friendship and passed on their brotherhood friendship.China-Africa friendship is the friendship of youth.Regardless of the changes of the world,the China-Africa community with a shared future will always go through thick and thin together.In the development context of the current era,in the face of the complicated world situation of uncertainty and instability,the building of a closer China-Africa community with a shared future has new meaning of the era.At present,many countries are facing the pressure of development and troubles of growth.The impact of the 2008 international financial crisis is far from over.The rise of unilateralism and the rule-based international relations have been severely challenged and the anti-globalization tide is surging.This not only is the change of the macro international situation and of the world's development trend,but also has an impact on the personal interests of everyone.The people living in the global village have long been involved in the trend of globalization.Benefiting at others' expense and cutting off links with others is impossible and unrealistic.Young people involved in globalization need skills training in the face of opportunities for development,need good education in the face of development challenges,need dreams to support in the face of their future and choices of life,and need to see promising future in difficulties of development.The synchronization of these needs with development is what young people need.Young people do not lack dreams,ideals,or the spirit of struggle.What they lack is the stage to excel.This stage is economic growth,a stable society,a fair environment,a good education,a skill for making a living,and the hope of development.Strong youth lead to a strong country.If young people have the driving force for development,the society will have the vitality of development,the economy will have the energy to develop,and the country will move forward.When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the African continent,he put forward building relations with Africa based on“Sincerity,Real Results,Friendship,and Good Faith”and won wide acclaim from the African people.The cooperative development of young people in China and Africa will make it possible for Chinese and African young people to excel in their life.It is not only the social development issue that China and Africa both face in the current era,but also the social development agenda that needs to be promoted together.From the perspective of the development of China-Africa youth,focusing on the proposition of the development of the times and the new trend of China-Africa cooperation,we will work hard to promote youth development for China and Africa,foster friendship between China and Africa,and solve the problem of youth development in China and Africa.Youth development is the theme that cannot be circumvented in the current era.Injecting impetus for youth development and promoting youth employment are the basic premise for young people to establish themselves in society.Only if we make the youth know their life is promising,our society will be promising.Only if the youth master their future,our society will have a great future.Let's strengthen China-Africa cooperation on youth development,enable the young people of China and Africa to realize their life values for progress and development.Let's write the youthful song for Chinese and African young people to develop together in building a China-Africa community with a shared future,and contribute to the youthful strength for passing on the friendship between China and Africa.In the keynote speech at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on ChinaAfrica Cooperation,President Xi Jinping pointed out: “The future of ChinaAfrica relations lies in our young people.Many of the measures in the eight initiatives I just outlined are designed to help young people in Africa.These measures will provide young Africans with more training and job opportunities and open up more space for their development.”Xi Jinping,“Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future-Keynote Speech at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation”,Xinhuanet,http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-09/03/c_1123373881.htm.“‘The red rising sun will light up the road ahead.' I am confident that the baton of China-Africa friendship will be passed from one generation to the next and that China and Africa,working together,will build an even more vibrant community with a shared future.The day will surely come when the Chinese nation realizes its dream of national renewal and Africa realizes its dream of unity and invigoration!”Xi Jinping,“Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future-Keynote Speech at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation”,Xinhuanet,http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-09/03/c_1123373881.htm.We must join hands with young people to build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future.We must integrate youth development into the tide of China-Africa development,giving priority to employment,taking education as the driving force,taking vocational training and skills training as the entry point,and taking youth entrepreneurship as new highlights of ChinaAfrica youth cooperation.We must create space and build platforms for young entrepreneurs in China and Africa,and build more stages for them to excel in their personal progress and development.We must link the dreams of Chinese and African young people.The Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation is the common value pursuit of the contemporary Chinese youth.Holding the histori cal baton and forging ahead in the new long march of the new era and having the dream of building a socialist modernization power,the contemporary Chinese youth are making progress and developing in happiness and struggle positively in the new era.Achieving the African dream of unity and rejuvenation and realizing the modernization of the African continent are the dreams and aspirations of African youth.It is the personal dream of the young people of China and Africa to realize the development in modernization and realize the reversal of the destiny of life in modernization.Linking the dreams of young people in China and Africa is the requirement of the times and the need for realizing modernization.It is the mission of the present generation to the next generation to cultivate young people,support young people,and let young people find a place to develop in the fast lane of China-Africa development.Chinese and African young people need to synergize in innovation.Innovators will win in the current era.Young people are innovative and have courage to make differences.This is the source of innovation and the driving force for youth innovation.In the rise of the fourth industrial revolution,innovation is the core and development is the goal.There are both challenges and opportunities for young people.Young people should actively participate in the development of the global replacement of old growth drivers by new ones brought about by the fourth industrial revolution,and realize the improvement of skills and the reversal of fate in the replacement of growth drivers and become the backbone of the new technologi cal revolution.Young people need to better synchronize with technologi cal progress in development,and with the fourth industrial revolution,so as to be creators and sharers of fruits in social development.The young people of China and Africa should jointly promote and participate in the“mass entrepreneurship and innovation”,so that the achievements of China-Africa cooperation will benefit more ordinary African youth.We should focus on capacity building in Africa.“We will launch a capacity building initiative.China will share more of its development practices with Africa and support cooperation with Africa on economic and social development planning.Ten Luban Workshops will be set up in Africa to provide vocational training for young Africans.China will support opening of a China-Africa innovation cooperation center to promote youth innovation and entrepreneurship.A tailor-made program will be carried out to train 1000 high caliber Africans.China will provide Africa with 50000 government scholarships and 50000 training opportunities for seminars and workshops,and will invite 2000 young Africans to visit China for exchanges.”Xi Jinping,“Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future—Keynote Speech at the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation”,Xinhuanet,http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-09/03/c_1123373881.htm.China-Africa youth cooperation aims to promote Africa's independent development and capacity development,and accumulate the resources of young talents for the long-term development of Africa.We should synergize in youth development of the China-Africa community with a shared future.A China-Africa community with a shared future is inseparable from the participation of young people.The Sino-African friendly baton needs to be passed down fromgeneration to generation.The Belt and Road Initiative is an important platform for cooperation between China and Africa and a development platform for young people both in China and Africa.The Belt and Road Initiative links China and Africa,the UN Sustainable Development Agenda,and the development strategies of China and African countries.In the process of development,we will build a new prospect of mutual benefit and win-win development,and the youth are the driving force and also the participation force.The common creativity,cohesiveness and execution of China and Africa have successfully pushed China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership to a new height.China and Africa must work together to create a China-Africa community with a shared future of win-win cooperation,of shared happiness,of common cultural prosperity,of co-built security,and of harmonious coexistence.In the process of modernization of developing countries,China and Africa,as well as their young people,join hands and work together to pass down the China-Africa friendship of over 60 years.The Research GroupNovember 2020 in Beijing

  • 中国与白俄罗斯:在“一带一路”建设中相伴而行

    China and Belarus:Forge Ahead Together in the“Belt and Road”Construction






    “一带一路” 国际合作 研究 中国、白俄罗斯


