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China-Africa Direct Investment and Cooperation


对外投资 非洲 直接投资 研究 中国 英文






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This book belongs to the National Think Tank Report Series of CPS Think Tank. entering the new century, China's outward foreign direct investment has started to grow at a rapid pace, and the countries and scales of investment have continued to expand. in 2015, China's outward foreign direct investment flow ranked the second in the world, for the first time exceeding the attraction of foreign capital during the same period, realising a net capital export.Africa is the second largest continent in the world, with a huge market of 1.2 billion people and rich natural resources.In the wave of "going out", more and more Chinese enterprises have invested and prospered in Africa, and the stock of Chinese direct investment in Africa has developed from 490 million US dollars at the end of 2003 to 34.69 billion US dollars at the end of 2015.After decades of development, China's direct investment in Africa has also given rise to new situations and new problems.Some Western public opinion has taken advantage of the situation to advocate that China's investment in Africa is "neo-colonialism", plundering natural resources and taking up jobs in Africa.Under such circumstances, it is of great significance to explore the impact of China's direct investment in Africa on Africa.
