This book analyzes the history and founding of the two journals; The origin, background and stages of the Cha Tian movement were analyzed. The origin and ideas of the hot discussion on "new leadership style" were analyzed; The theoretical source, proposing process, necessity and significance of the "mass line" were discussed. compiled the contributions of the two periodicals to the dissemination of Marxism and the Party's propaganda work; The "leftist" line and "closed-door" errors presented in the two journals were sorted out. This highlights the arduous and tortuous nature of the Sinicization of Marxism and the specific historical significance and theoretical value of the two publications.
The Young Hegelians and the Development of Marx's Early Thought (Revised)中国特色社会主义理论研究.第4辑,2015
Research on the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. 4th Series, 2015马克思主义中国化最新成果研究报告.2015
Research Report on the Latest Achievements in the Chineseization of Marxism. 2015马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林论人口问题
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on Population Problems马克思主义理论教育思想发展史研究
Research on the History of Development of Marxist Theory and Educational Thought