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Contemporary Western Working Class Studies


无产阶级 研究 西方国家 现代






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   This book is a comprehensive and systematic study of the conditions of the working class in the contemporary West. This book places the Western working class as a whole in the context and social conditions of the early 21st century, and explores to answer the major questions of where the working class in Western capitalist countries is going and where the Western socialist movement is going. From the combination of theoretical analysis and century conditions, this paper deeply studies the class and class relations in contemporary capitalist society, the formation and characteristics of the global capitalist class and the global working class, the class conflict and class struggle in Western countries, the changes in the number and composition of the working class in Western countries, the actual examination of the theory of "farewell to the working class" and "gentrification", the working class and the left party, the working class and trade union organizations, the action strategy of the working class, the working class and the socialist subject, and the "freedom" of the working class Self-acting", the relationship between the working class movement and the world socialist movement, and many other specific issues. It is a reference book of great value for those who follow and study the contemporary Western working class and the Western socialist movement.
