Starting from mass media such as newspapers, broadcasts, magazines, and news agencies, this book takes the development of China's news and communication industry in the past 100 years as the investigation object, starts from the issues of journalism education and media reform, newspaper image and professional ethics, media technology and news culture transmutation, and discusses the internal interaction between China's journalism, social development and cultural changes in the past 100 years with the help of micro perspectives and specific cases. The author attempts to place the media in the "changing situation" of modern society for comprehensive consideration, emphasizing the collection and collation of news historical materials as the basis, and empirical evidence as the method, so as to expand the research and understanding of the history of news and communication in modern China.
Axiological Approach to Criticism of Literary Translation中国跨文化传播研究年刊.第1辑
China Intercultural Communication Annual Volume 1全球发展倡议:以人民为中心推动落实2030年议程(英文)
Global Development Initiative: A People-Centered Initiative to Promote the 2030 Agenda中国建筑节能政策研究
Research on China's Building Energy Efficiency Policies非洲国家数字经济发展与中非合作(英文)
Digital Economy Development in African Countries and China-Africa Cooperation