The authors of the Report on the Economic and Social Survey of Ethnic Areas in China: Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County Volume objectively reflect the development achievements of the Jinxiu Dayao Mountain area in Guangxi in the political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, health and linguistic areas by means of ethnological and anthropological social surveys and accurately and in a timely manner reflect the problems and challenges faced by the Yao Autonomous Counties of the two areas in their economic and social development.
An Appreciation of Chinese and Greek Mythology (in English)中国文化对外话语体系与传播策略研究
Research on Chinese Culture External Discourse System and Communication Strategy中国民族地区经济社会调查报告·2015年调查问卷分析
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China-2015 Questionnaire Analysis史诗音乐范式研究:以格萨尔史诗族际传播为中心
Research on Epic Music Pattern:Centering on Intercultural Communication of Gesar土族社会发展现状调查研究
Research on the Current Situation of Social Development of the Turkish People