王伟光主编的《 马克思主义研究文集(第6辑·2016)/ 马克思主义理论学科建设与理论研究工程系列丛书》是实施马克思主义理论学科建设与理论研究工程的成果之一。本书收录2016年度中社会科学院全院范围内的专家学者代表性、已发表或未发表的马克思主义研究文章40余篇,藉此集中反映马克思主义研究的成果。
Marxism Research Anthology (6th Series-2016) / Marxism Theory Discipline Construction and Theory Research Project Series edited by Wang Weiguang is one of the results of the implementation of Marxism Theory Discipline Construction and Theory Research Project. This book contains more than 40 representative, published or unpublished articles on Marxism research by experts and scholars throughout the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 2016, thereby focusing on the results of Marxism research.
Research on Modern Chinese History and Chineseized Marxism中国特色社会主义与中国发展战略布局
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Strategic Layout of China's Development马克思主义基本原理研究.第5辑,2015
Studies on the Fundamentals of Marxism . Series 5, 2015马克思主义中国化最新成果研究报告.2016
Research Report on the Latest Achievements in the Chineseization of Marxism.2016欧洲社会主义研究
Research on European Socialism