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China and Latin America:Paths to Overcoming the Middle-income Trap

中国经济 经济发展 研究 英文 拉丁美洲






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Finally,in a more different approach,Delgado,da Costa,and Barbi,analyze the challenges of global climate change and relate it to the MIT.Specifically,they aim to identify the nature of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil and China,the impacts of climate change and government responses to the problem.Delgado et al.,explain that countries must balance economic development with the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.Environmental governance should be promoted at different levels(local,national and global)with the participation of several extracts from society in the search for responsible environmental development.Brazil and China,the main emitters of greenhouse gases,play a fundamental role in the formulation and application of public policies of adaptation and mitigation,thus contributing to a sustainable future.If the necessary measures for adaptation and mitigation are not taken,there is a risk that countries will face economic stagnation and great financial losses,being trapped in MIT.
