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Study on the Trust Industry law of China


信托法 研究 中国






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This book is based on the development and practice of China's trust industry. It systematically studies the basic legal issues in the reform of trust industry supervision, starting with the right to operate trusts. Structurally, the book is divided into six chapters: Chapter 1, the current legal dilemma of trust industry supervision in China; Chapter 2, the international perspective on trust industry supervision reform; Chapter 3, the legal structure analysis of commercial trust products; Chapter 4, the legislative positioning of trust industry supervision reform; Chapter 5, the legislative design of China's trust industry law; and Chapter 6, the relationship between the trust industry law and related laws. In terms of content, it focuses on the regulatory objectives, regulatory subjects, regulatory principles, regulatory methods, regulatory procedures, regulatory coordination and regulatory responsibilities of the trust industry. Through a comparative study of the Chinese and foreign trust regulatory systems, it highlights the basic legal principles of trust industry regulation, clarifies many misunderstandings about regulation, scientifically designs the basic legal system of trust regulation in China, and provides a reference for the state to formulate a special trust industry law. From the perspective of research value, this book is highly relevant, systematic and forward-looking, and has significant practical value for strengthening the supervision of trust institutions and trust markets and industry risk control. It also has important theoretical significance for deepening and enriching the institutional and methodological research of trust law and financial law.
