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Marx's Theory of Comprehensive Human Development and Its Chinese Characterization


马克思主义 人学 研究






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Marx wedged the ideological essence of scientific practice and materialist dialectics into his anthropological system, devoted himself to conducting critical investigation at the inner origin of human social history, and launched a anthropological revolution centered on the realization of human liberation, freedom and happiness, thus registering the theory of comprehensive human development to the logical high end of human history and pushing it to the height of the principle of human social practice ontology. Marx's practical theory of anthropology has completely changed the socialization of socialized people and their internal unity from a theoretical rational academic problem to a practical practical problem, from a single traditional form centered on people or nature to a modern form of harmony between man and nature, profoundly and concretely revealing the practical nature of ecological integration between man and nature, man and society, and man and man himself, and its existential significance of society. AbstractMarx dialectics of practice and wedging own study system,into the internal source of human social history for operations,thus the registered person´s full scale development theory in the historical logic of the high-end,also pushed the social practice the principle of ontology. The socialization of people´s socialization and the internal unity completely becomes a practical problem,specifically reveals the essential and social practice and the ontology of social significance. Marx from people´s real life process itself,based on the mode of production and the production of social material logic which is between man and nature,man and society,the practice to solve the contradiction between man and itself,is the realization of material,information,human beings and the world energy swaps ontological foundation,is also confirmed by productive labor and develop its multifaceted nature with the passage of the basic ability of subjectivity.
