Chinese art archaeology is one of the special archaeology, is a sub-discipline of Chinese archaeology, this tutorial is divided into six chapters. The first chapter clarifies what Chinese art archaeology is, and specifies the research object and purpose of art archaeology, the basic methods of art archaeology, the connection and interaction with adjacent disciplines, and a brief history of Chinese art archaeological discoveries. The next five chapters, in order of historical development, describe the art archaeology of the prehistoric period of China, the art archaeology of the pre-Qin period, the art archaeology of the Qin and Han periods, the art archaeology of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan periods. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the epochal characteristics of the archaeology of fine arts in the period, followed by urban and architectural art, religious art and funerary art of the period, with a bibliography of must-reads.
The Complete Works of Tang Li Quan (Volume 6)中国—东盟合作发展报告.2016—2017
ANNUAL REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHINA-ASEAN COOPERATION 2016~2017映入西方的近代中国:《纽约时报》驻华首席记者哈雷特·阿班中国报道研究:1927~1940
Modern China Reflected in the West: A Study of China Reporting by Harriet Abban, Chief Correspondent of The New York Times in China: 1927-1940中国人民大学博物馆藏和田出土粟特语文书
Sogdian Documents from Khotan in the Museum of Renmin University of China非洲国家数字经济发展与中非合作(英文)
Digital Economy Development in African Countries and China-Africa Cooperation