Chinese art archaeology is one of the special archaeology, is a sub-discipline of Chinese archaeology, this tutorial is divided into six chapters. The first chapter clarifies what Chinese art archaeology is, and specifies the research object and purpose of art archaeology, the basic methods of art archaeology, the connection and interaction with adjacent disciplines, and a brief history of Chinese art archaeological discoveries. The next five chapters, in order of historical development, describe the art archaeology of the prehistoric period of China, the art archaeology of the pre-Qin period, the art archaeology of the Qin and Han periods, the art archaeology of the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan periods. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the epochal characteristics of the archaeology of fine arts in the period, followed by urban and architectural art, religious art and funerary art of the period, with a bibliography of must-reads.
Research on the Protection of Cultural Relics in Zhejiang Province in the Early Period of the Establishment of New China: 1950-1965公羊学思想史研究
Chinese Perspectives(2017)中国历代治理体系研究:全二册
Research on Chinese Governance System in Past Dynasties文明以止:上古的天文、思想与制度
Civilization to Stop: Astronomy, Ideology and Institutions in Ancient China