This book is the author's discussion on a series of major academic issues since the reform and opening up, such as what kind of development trajectory of literature and art in the new period, what changes have taken place in art philosophy, what is the basic connotation of human ontological art philosophy, whether literature can be defined and how to be defined, what form of existence literature has, how literary aesthetics emerged and developed in China, what kind of evolutionary trajectory the aesthetics of the world communists has, how to view the great achievements and lessons learned in literary theory in the 40 years of reform and opening up, and how "poetry and literary commentary" is transformed into "literary and art studies" Transformation, what are the characteristics of the era of globalization, and what impact has been on literature and literary theory, etc., I have conducted in-depth investigation and reflection, and put forward my own opinions. The author strives not to say clichés, not empty words, but to say his own words. The author believes that "family speakers" are those who advocate that scholars speak their own words. This should be a trend of the times and a social fashion, so "Academic Family Dialect" is taken as the title of the book.
Zhou Zuoren's Discovery and Transformation of Traditional Chinese Literature艺术特质视域下的中国抒情传统研究:以两汉诗学接受为中心
Research on Chinese Lyric Tradition in the Perspective of Artistic Qualities: Centering on the Reception of Poetics in the Two Han Periods中国文化论稿
Essays on Chinese Culture20世纪前期中国文学人类学实践研究
Research on the Practice of Chinese Literary Anthropology in the Early 20th Century问题与方法:中国现代文学史料研究论稿
Problems and Methods: Research Paper on the Historical Materials of Modern Chinese Literature