Supply-side reform of rural inclusive finance must be premised on an accurate grasp of the characteristics of demand. The balance sheet of rural households reflects the financial situation of production and life of rural households from the perspective of financial institutions, and puts both borrowers and lenders in the same logical framework, which helps to deepen the understanding of the relationship between supply and demand as well as the basic operating rules of rural finance. This report uses the survey data of more than 20,000 farm households from 2009 to 2013 from the National Rural Fixed Observation Point Survey System of the Ministry of Agriculture to measure the asset-liability status of farm households in different income groups, as well as borrowing and non-borrowing households, and analyses the structure of household assets, the asset-liability ratio, the income-servicing ratio, the savings rate, the composition of household outward investment, the value of household credit assets, and their impact on the financial situation of rural finance. Through analyses of the structure of household assets, the income and debt servicing ratio, the savings rate, household outward investment, the value of household credit assets and their impact, and the structure of borrowing sources and uses, the characteristics of rural inclusive finance, obstacles to its development, and the basic path and direction of its construction are explained.
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