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Theory of the Music Industry


音乐 文化产业 研究 中国






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音乐产业的研究是学界和业界普遍关注的问题。什么是音乐产业,它的内涵与外延怎样界定、研究框架和结构怎样确立,这些是本书中要回答的基本问题。音乐产业(the Music Industry),应以销售(sales)为核心,考察流行音乐体系中的音乐作品、音乐家、唱片公司、乐队经纪人、音乐服务提供商和市场之间的关系。音乐产业的研究是一个复杂的整体.从英美国家的经验来看,分为现场音乐产业、音乐出版产业、唱片产业、数字音乐产业以及音乐与法律系统等几个部分,这样分类的提出在中国音乐产业的研究中还属首次。音乐产业的研究具有实践性。它可以成为国家税收来源的一部分,也可以繁荣音乐市场为大众带来娱乐,更可以推动中国音乐产业的发展向世界水平靠拢。

The study of the music industry is a common concern in academia and the industry. What is the music industry, how to define its connotation and extension, how to establish the research framework and structure, these are the basic questions to be answered in this book. The Music Industry (the Music Industry), which should be centered on sales, examines the relationship between musical works, musicians, record labels, band managers, music service providers and markets in the popular music system. The study of the music industry is a complex whole . From the experience of British and American countries, it is divided into several parts, such as live music industry, music publishing industry, recording industry, digital music industry, and music and legal system, etc. Such a categorization is proposed for the first time in China's music industry research. The study of the music industry is practical in nature. It can become a part of the national tax revenue source, can prosper the music market to bring entertainment to the public, and can push the development of China's music industry closer to the world level.
