This book compiles and reviews the research results of Chinese minority epic in the new period, outlines the development of Chinese minority epic research, analyses in depth the successes and failures of Chinese minority epic research, and examines the evolution of Western scholars' conception of epic and research paradigm historically, explaining their related theories and the interrelationships between them.
Twenty Years towards Coherence:European Union External Representation at the United Nations,1993-2012金砖国家研究:理论与议题
THE BRICS STUDIES:Theories and issues经济学动态·学术观点集·大型研讨会.2019:新中国70年经济建设成就、经验与中国经济学创新发展
Economics Dynamics-Academic Viewpoints Collection-Large-scale Symposium.2019: 70 Years of New China's Economic Construction Achievements, Experiences and the Innovative Development of Chinese Economics金融摩擦与中国经济波动:基于金融经济周期视角的研究
Financial Frictions and China's Economic Fluctuations:A View of Financial Business Cycle人口管理改革与社会保障包容:地方经验和总体设计
Population Management Reform and Social Security Inclusion: Local Experience and Overall Design