This book is an introduction to the life, academic experience, publications, papers and academic views of well-known scholars of the China Industrial Economics Association, including Wu Qishan, Dai Boxun, Zhang Yimin, Jin Zujun, Wu Yijun, Wu Jiajun, Li Yue, Zhao Guoliang and others.
The Construction of Generalized Price Index and Its Application on Monetary Policy in China中国旅游扶贫发展指数报告
China Tourism Poverty Alleviation Development Index Report法律与经济:中国市场经济法治建设的反思与创新.2014.第2卷
Law and Economy: Rethinking and Innovating the Construction of Rule of Law in China's Market Economy.2014.Vol.2中国农村土地征收制度改革:回顾与展望
Reform of China's Rural Land Acquisition System: Review and Prospect治理南山:深圳经验的南山样本
The Governance of Nanshan District:The Nanshan Sample of Shenzhen's Experience