This book is an introduction to the life, academic experience, publications, papers and academic views of well-known scholars of the China Industrial Economics Association, including Wu Qishan, Dai Boxun, Zhang Yimin, Jin Zujun, Wu Yijun, Wu Jiajun, Li Yue, Zhao Guoliang and others.(AI翻译)
Overseas Chinese Enterprise and Employee Survey in B&R Countries THE PHILIPPINES迈向优质优价:中国出口企业加成率决定因素及动态演进
Towards High Quality and Good Price:The Determinants and Dynamic Evolution of the Markup Rate of Chinese Export Enterprises中国“三农”研究.第四辑
Agricultural,Rural and Peasant Studies in China No.4中国特色城镇化制度变迁与制度创新研究
The Research on the System Change and the System Innovation of Urcbanization with Chinexe Characteristics