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Friendly Cooperation between China and Kenya

中外关系 友好往来 肯尼亚 英文






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本书属中社智库国家智库报告系列, 肯尼亚是人类文明发祥地之一, 曾发现250万年前的人类化石, 而中国也有悠久的文化传承, 加上两国很早开始交往, 有人就想到通过考古去追踪两国交流的历史。中肯交流至少可追溯到15世纪郑和船队抵达肯尼亚, 在拉穆群岛及周边有很多人自称是中国人后代, 那里还一直流传着有关郑和船队有船只在此沉没、水手留在当地生活的传说。中国已经成为肯尼亚年轻人追求高学历和职业技能的首选之一。有机会来到中国学习的肯尼亚年轻人能够接触到中国的语言和文化, 结识中国朋友。当然, 他们自己也成为肯尼亚(在中国)的使者。目前, 在肯尼亚已有四所孔子学院、三个新的“中国角”, 这些, 都是两国语言文化交流的纽带。如今, 在多个领域的务实合作, 使两国关系有了新的突破点。中国在肯尼亚的投资迅速增长, 贸易量大幅提高, 中国已成为肯尼亚最大贸易伙伴、最大投资者和最大项目承包者。

Kenya is one of the birthplaces of human civilization, human fossils have been found 2.5 million years ago, and China also has a long cultural heritage, coupled with the early beginning of exchanges between the two countries, some people think of tracing the history of exchanges between the two countries through archaeology. Sino-Pertinent exchanges date back to at least the arrival of Zheng He's fleet in Kenya in the 15th century, and there are many people in and around the Lamu Islands who claim to be descendants of Chinese, where legends continue to circulate that ships of Zheng He's fleet sank and sailors stayed there. China has become one of the first choices for Kenyan young people to pursue higher education and vocational skills. Young Kenyans who have the opportunity to study in China can get in touch with Chinese language and culture and meet Chinese friends. Of course, they themselves became emissaries for Kenya [in China]. At present, there are four Confucius Institutes and three new "China Corners" in Kenya, all of which are the links between the two Chinese languages and cultural exchanges. Today, pragmatic cooperation in many fields has brought about a new breakthrough in bilateral relations. China's investment in Kenya has grown rapidly, trade volume has increased significantly, and China has become Kenya's largest trading partner, largest investor and largest project contractor.(AI翻译)
