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The Story of Shenzhen:Its Economic,Social and Environmental Transformation

区域经济发展 研究 深圳 社会发展






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“深圳故事:经济、社会、环境转型”项目由中共深圳市委宣传部与联合国人居署合作,旨在为世界勾画出隐匿在深圳40年改革发展成功实践中的工业化、城市化和国际化的深层逻辑,是推进全球城市发展经验相互借鉴、相互促动的一个精彩案例。联合国副秘书长、人居署执行主任迈穆娜·穆赫德·谢里夫女士(Ms.Maimunah Mohd Sharif)亲自为项目成果作序,指出“深圳无疑是一个引人注目的成功故事,其发展经验值得全球其他新兴城市和经济特区借鉴”。

The "Shenzhen Story: Economic, Social and Environmental Transformation" project, cooperated by the Publicity Department of the CPC Shenzhen Municipal Committee and UN-Habitat, aims to outline for the world the deep logic of industrialization, urbanization and internationalization hidden in the successful practice of Shenzhen's 40 years of reform and development, and is a wonderful case of promoting the mutual learning and mutual promotion of global urban development experience. Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN-Habitat, personally foresaid the project outcome, noting that "Shenzhen is undoubtedly a compelling success story, and its development experience is worth learning from other emerging cities and special economic zones around the world." UN-Habitat adopts an international research perspective, integrates global academic resources, and analyzes Shenzhen in multiple dimensions through the "Shenzhen Story" project. The project team is composed of 13 experts from UN-Habitat, University of Munich in Germany, Ana Core University in Italy, University of Botswana, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing University, Harbin Institute of Technology and other institutions. The "Shenzhen Story" project is divided into six chapters, trying to explore the genetic code behind Shenzhen's rapid economic and social development in the past 40 years from six aspects: Shenzhen's position in the global urban value chain, fiscal policy, economic growth, urban planning, basic services, and environmental protection, and show the world that Shenzhen is completely different from the new model of traditional urbanization development in the West. The "Shenzhen Story" project vividly tells the new context of global urban development opened up by Shenzhen, and contributes "Shenzhen wisdom" and "Shenzhen solutions" to the development of human cities in the world.(AI翻译)
