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Religious Belefs in China


宗教信仰 研究 中国






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9 3

Chinese has a long religious history, rich religious life and colorful religious culture. Religion is one of the important components of China's social structure and the core content of traditional Chinese culture, which continues to this day and has undergone new development in contemporary times. The religious beliefs of Chinese are richly and complexly intertwined with the cultural spirit and national temperament of Chinese. The religious history of Chinese is a very typical history of Chinese culture, which is a very typical history of "virtuous goods" and "accepting all rivers and rivers", and is a clear embodiment and witness of the long and profound history of Chinese culture. This book uses the meaning of cultural philosophy and the threshold of cultural history to understand and interpret Chinese's beliefs and religious understanding, explore the social, political, cultural and spiritual significance of religions, trace the historical development and paradigm change of Chinese religious beliefs, analyze the characteristics of China's native religions and the process of localization of world religions in China, describe the pluralistic coexistence and pluralistic harmony of multiple religions in Chinese society and the spiritual life of Chinese, show the brilliance and diversity of Chinese religious culture, and reflect the real existence of religion in contemporary Chinese society. It further illustrates the real, social and cultural role of Chinese religion. The Chines e have a long history of religions, a rich religious life and culture. Religion is an important element of the Chinese social structure, represents also the core content of the traditional Chines e culture, which continues up to now and has also new development. There is rich and complicated intertwinement among the religious beliefs , cultural spirit and national disposition of the Chinese. The Chinese religious history is a typical history of“ Great virtue promotes growth” (hou de zai wu ) and “All rivers run into sea” (hai na bai chuan) of the Chinese culture, which refl ects and witnesses clearly its long standing, its broadness and profoundness . This book will try to comprehend and explain the religious beliefs of the Chinese from the perspective of cultural philosophy and cultural history, explore the social, political, cultural and spiritual meanings of religions , trace back to their his torical development and paradigm change, analyze the characteristics of the Chinese local religions and the process of indigenization of world religions in China, and describe the peaceful co-existence and harmonious confl uence of multiplereligions in the Chinese society and its spiritual life, so as to show the bright and colorful life of the Chinese religious culture, and to illustrate the real existence of religions and their social and cultural functions in the contemporary Chinese society.(AI翻译)
