Culture is inherited, and only inheritance can make thousands of years of culture accumulate and form traditions. As the source of Chinese culture, astronomy has a profound impact on the formation and development of the core connotations of Chinese civilization. This book aims to reveal the traditional cosmological system through astroarchaeological research, reconstruct the knowledge, institutions and ideas of ancient civilization and even the pre-written era, and essentially explain the characteristics and core values of Chinese culture. The book combines archaeology, paleography and ancient astronomy, based on the theoretical exploration of one's own civilization, completes the research of ancient time and space, politics, religion, sacrifice, canonical system, philosophy and science, and analyzes the interrelationship between astronomy and humanities.
The Complete Works of Tang Li Quan (Volume 6)20世纪的中国民族问题
Chinese Ethnic Problems in the 20th Century中国精准脱贫100例:全三册(第二册)
100 Examples of Precise Poverty Eradication in China: All Three Volumes (Volume 2)中国产业结构演变史:1949-2019
History of the Evolution of China's Industrial Structure: 1949-2019中国美术考古学概论
An Introduction to the Archeological Study of Ancient Chinese Art