This book is a socio-cultural critique based on folklore theory and methods. Eight paradoxical cultural issues: the contradiction between academic research and folk life, the contradiction between the natural growth of disciplines and the development of sports, the contradiction between academic truth seeking and the eyeball effect of mass media, the contradiction between elite cultural criticism and local economic demands, the contradiction between the concept of cultural diversity and the demand for exclusivity, the contradiction between the concept of sharing of folk cultural heritage and the demand for privatization, the contradiction between economic development and cultural loss caused by urbanization change and the spatial transformation of folk life, The contradiction between seeking immortals and worldly interests. Six topics of traditional cultural modernity: interpersonal relations and information circulation of traditional clan communities in modern society, supernatural rumors in disaster narratives, emotional incitement and verbal violence in rumor transmission, commercial use of traditional discourse resources, adaptive survival of jianghu artists, idolatry and hero production in online culture, etc.
Economic and Social Survey Report on Ethnic Areas in China: Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County Volume当代中国民族旅游伦理研究
Research on Ethnic Tourism Ethics in Contemporary China中国民族地区经济社会调查报告·2014年调查问卷分析·综合卷
Report on Economic and Social Survey of Ethnic Areas in China-2014 Questionnaire Analysis-Comprehensive Volume乡村传播网络与共同体重建:少数民族乡村文化发展的传播社会学分析
Rural Communication Networks and Community Reconstruction: A Sociological Analysis of Communication in the Development of Ethnic Minority Rural Culture文学的民族认同特性及其文学性生成:以中国当代少数民族小说为中心
The Character of National Identity in Literature and Its Literary Generation: Focusing on Chinese Contemporary Minority Novels