This book mainly includes three aspects. The first is the research on the spread of Marxism in China, mainly discussing Li Dazhao's early thoughts, the acceptance and dissemination of Marxist thought, and the basic characteristics of Mao Zedong Thought. The second is the thinking on the basic theory of philosophy, mainly discussing: the psychological function of human cognitive activities, the nature of values and the organic composition of reasonable values, the rational characteristics and construction of reasonable philosophy, and the basic problems of survivalist philosophy. The third is the study of ancient Chinese philosophy, mainly focusing on: the internal logic of the existence and development of ancient Chinese philosophy, the characteristics of the ontological concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, the development of philosophy in the context of Chinese philosophy, and the philosophical research of Lu Jiuyuan and Wang Yangming.
Reflections on Several Issues of Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics马克思主义理论学科前沿研究报告.2014~2015
Report on Frontier Research in Marxist Theory Disciplines.2014-2015中国特色社会主义理论研究.第4辑,2015
Research on the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. 4th Series, 2015马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林论人口问题
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin on Population Problems马克思的意识形态批判与当代中国
Marx's Critique of Ideology and Contemporary China