This book interprets some of the classic works in the history of modern Chinese literature from a private sexual perspective.These works include ten poems by eight poets, five essays, two novels, one play, and one essay on literary theory.
Some of the essays are accompanied by the authors' own notes taken during the research or additional notes added after the completion of the essays, which can add some interest to the readers and help them to understand the relevant works more thoroughly.
Toward the Road of Revival: Exploration and Development of the Road of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics中国农村经济改革研究
Research on China's Rural Economic Reform适应性治理:地方环境事务过程研究
Adaptive Governance:The Govermental Process of Local Environmental Affairs中国共产党意识形态理论的当代历史发展
The Contemporary Historical Development of the Ideology Theory of the Communist Party of China中国现代人生论美学文献汇编
Compilation of literature on life theory aesthetics in modern China