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诗学 诗歌研究 中国 现代






  • 内容简介
  • 书籍目录
  • 作者简介


The book is divided into three parts: internal, external and miscellaneous. The inner part is an internal study of modern poetry texts, mainly discussing the most basic issues of modern poetry as poetry, such as the form of poetry, the operating characteristics and laws of poetic language, the judgment criteria for whether poetic art is established and whether it is excellent, where and where the poetic taste comes out, what is the rationality of the proposition "poetry ends with language", and the suspense in poetry. The outer part is a study of the temporal and spatial situation of modern poetry, mainly discussing the following confusion that modern poetry still faces after a hundred years of suffering: There is an "ancient hostility" between us and poetry, and now, "keeping pace with the times" has added many conflicts of modernity. With the arrival of the age of video, traditional art has been greatly impacted, how can poetry protect its artistic territory in this era of audiovisual bombardment? After years of exploration and experimentation, how does modern Chinese poetry deal with the autonomy and popularization of art in the current so-called intertextual context? What is the current state of contemporary spoken word poetry? What is the trend? The miscellaneous essays are textual interpretations of more specific poets and works, including textual interpretations of famous national poets (such as Yu Jian, Yisha, Haizi, Zhao Lihua, Laoxiang, Na Ye, Gao Kai, etc.), as well as case studies of the poetry works of outstanding local poets such as Wang Yuanzhong, Li Jizong, and Li Wangqiang in Gansu Province where the author is located. Based on careful textual interpretation, the book discusses the difficult course of modern poetry, faces the current situation of modern poetry, thinks about the future trend of modern poetry, and frankly expresses independent poetry views on famous poets and active poets of the present.(AI翻译)
