Traditional Chinese music has a very long history of development, embodies the essence of thousands of years of Chinese culture, is the condensation of national spirit, and has extremely high cultural and aesthetic value. It contains a wide range of content, diverse genres, and an astonishing number of works, which requires us to study, research and promote. This book draws on a large number of interdisciplinary knowledge and cutting-edge theories of academia, refers to a wide range of materials and literature, and comprehensively uses literature research methods, comparative research methods, and case study methods. The perspective of the whole book is novel and unique, focusing on the connotation and cultural support of traditional Chinese music and art; The morphological analysis opens up a different way, with reason and evidence, "description" and "work", and the level is clear. The historical origin, musical system and morphological theoretical construction of traditional Chinese music, the three historical periods of natural and social attributes, genetic inheritance and development of music theory, the artistic characteristics, inheritance and development of music types and many other theories and musical events were explained, analyzed and discussed. This book is a work of practical and practical significance, which can not only fill the teaching needs of the curriculum, but also enrich and improve the theory of traditional music, so as to make the benign development of traditional Chinese music culture and art.
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