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中国文学 古典文学研究 十国(907—979)






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This book is the final result of the National Social Science Foundation project (06CZW004). The first part, "Ten Kingdoms Art and Literature History", comprehensively examines the literati of the Ten Kingdoms who have written and the types, circulation, and preservation of their works; The second part, "A Collection of Preface and Bibliographic Texts of the Collected Works of the Literati of the Ten Kingdoms", examines the evaluation of the literati works of the Ten Kingdoms, especially those who have engraved and collected books in the past generations, on the surviving works of the literati of the Ten Kingdoms with rare books of poetry and literature. The third part, "Examination of the Circulation Process and Origin of Editions of the Collected Works of the Ten Kingdoms", on the basis of the collection of bibliographic texts and the preface text, examines the editions and evolution of the works of the literati collections that have surviving rare works of poetry and anthology by comparing the similarities and differences of versions, and produces the "Schematic Diagram of the Circulation Process and the Source Flow of Versions". The fourth part, "The Life Deeds of the Ten Languages and the Authenticity of the Works", examines the life deeds and works of the Ten Nationalities and puts forward its own opinions; The fifth part of "Essays on the Creation of Literature of the Ten Kingdoms" provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the literature of the ten countries by carefully analyzing the texts of the works, taking into account the selection and evaluation of predecessors, and adopting the method of taking into account the people-oriented approach.(AI翻译)
