中国历史 研究
This book adopts the writing method of "connecting dots with lines and turning dots into surfaces", and strives to completely describe the basic clues of China's historical development through accurate historical facts, clear ideas, and concise wordsIt comprehensively shows the style of multi-ethnic integration and national unification, and briefly expounds the historical process of the formation and development of centralized power. Through this book, readers may experience the long history of ChinaBrilliant and splendid, feel the breadth and depth of Chinese culture, and further understand the basic characteristics and future direction of China's historical development.
A Brief Discussion about Ancient Texts and Asdemic History当代中国史研究(第4辑·2014)
Studies on Contemporary Chinese History (4th Series-2014)圈层结构视阈下的中国古代羁縻政区与部族
Ancient Chinese Setting Up Areas and Tribes under the Threshold of Circle Structure闽文化新论
New Theory of Min Culture中国古代交通文化论丛
Ancient Chinese Transportation Culture Series