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马克思主义 伦理思想 研究 中国






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The reason why the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought can occur and be successfully carried out is that the scientific nature, people's nature and advanced nature of Marxist ethical thought itself lies, which is the premise and theoretical value of the sinicization of Marxist ethical thought. Second, the profound needs of the development and construction of the moral life of Chinese society and the people are the practical possibility and practical basis for the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought. The Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought is the creative application of the basic principles of Marxist ethical thought in the reality of China's specific moral life, which means that Marxist ethical thought has obtained a new development form and formed new development results in the process of combining with the specific reality of China's moral life and with the excellent tradition of Chinese national ethical thought. The essence of the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought is to use the basic principles of Marxist ethical thought to analyze and solve the actual ethical and moral problems facing China, and in the process to clean, transform and absorb the factors with modern value in China's traditional ethical culture, so that Marxism has "Chinese characteristics", "Chinese style" and "Chinese style". The theoretical character of the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought is manifested in always adhering to the line of understanding of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times, adhering to the idea of ethical construction based on the country, facing the world and facing the future, adhering to the ethical value orientation of people-oriented, paying attention to people's livelihood, seeking truth and pragmatism, and harmonious development, and constantly endowing Chinese Marxist ethical thought with distinctive practical, national and contemporary characteristics. The Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought has formed two outstanding theoretical achievement systems in China, namely Mao Zedong Ethical Thought and Socialist Ethical Thought with Chinese Characteristics. If Mao Zedong's ethical thought is the product of the combination of Marxist ethical thought with the concrete moral life reality of China's new democratic revolution and socialist revolution and socialist construction, and represents the first major achievement of the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought, then the socialist ethical thought system with Chinese characteristics, including Deng Xiaoping ethical thought, "three represents" ethical thought, scientific development ethics, and the Chinese dream ethical thought for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, It is the product of the combination of Marxist ethical thought and the reality of moral life in the new period of reform and opening up, and represents the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought. The Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought is a concentrated expression of the Sinicization of Marxism in the building of ethical thinking and spiritual civilization, and represents the profound thinking and unremitting creation of advanced Chinese communists in the building of spiritual civilization and ideological and moral construction. It is neither the original Marxist ethical thought, nor the non-Marxist ethical thought that deviates from the essence of Marxist ethical thought, but the scientific application and creative development of Marxist ethical thought in China. Chinese Marxist ethical thought has the characteristics of organic combination of scientific and people's nature, dialectical unity of nationality and epochality, interpenetration of local and cosmopolitan, and interconnection between theory and practice, and thus created the Chinese experience, that is, proceeding from reality, seeking truth from facts, and adhering to the path of moral civilization development with Chinese characteristics; Respect the initiative of the masses and build a new moral culture with serving the people as the core; Based on local traditional culture, develop ethical culture with Chinese characteristics and style; Adhere to the world's vision, absorb all the excellent achievements of human ethics and civilization, etc. The Sinicization of Marxist ethical thought has cultivated moral forms such as Chinese revolutionary morality and socialist construction morality, promoted the construction of Marxist ethics disciplines and civic morality, and is a theoretical armament and behavioral guide for the Chinese nation to greet the great rejuvenation.(AI翻译)
