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马克思主义 文学理论 研究 中国






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This book comprehensively reviews the relationship between Marxist literary theory and Chinese literary theory in the 20th century, and summarizes it into three aspects: from the perspective of historical process, Marxist literary theory influenced the system construction of Chinese literary theory in the 20th century, promoted its spatial expansion, and promoted the emergence of Chinese Marxist literary theory; From the perspective of theoretical category, Marxist literary and artistic ideology is the theoretical basis of the ideological category in 20th century Chinese literary theory, Marxist realism theory is the core resource of the realist category in 20th century Chinese literary theory, Marxist national culture theory is the academic basis of the category of national form in 20th century Chinese literary theory, and the Marxist literary criticism standard is the fundamental compliance of the category of Chinese criticism of Chinese literary theory in the 20th century. From the perspective of development trend, the scope of Marxist literary theory needs to be opened up and expanded in contemporary China, and the Marxist theory of art production and the spirit of literary criticism have important practical significance, and influence the literary and artistic activities of contemporary China.
