Chinese Art and Modernism is a sequel to "Orientalism" and Modernism.In ""Orientalism" and Modernism", Qian Zhaoming puts forward the theory that Oriental culture is one of the constituent elements of Western modernism, and uses a large amount of documentary evidence to demonstrate how the American poets Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams drew from English translations of Chinese poems to achieve a new breakthrough in modernist poetry.Chinese Fine Arts and Modernism, on the other hand, takes Pound, Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens and other American poets' favouring of Shang and Zhou bronzes, Tang and Song ink paintings, Ming and Qing porcelain, and calligraphy as a breakthrough, and then examines the origins of the relationship between Chinese fine arts and Western modernist poetry.
Research on China's Rural Economic Reform新时期中国画家传记研究
Study on the Biographies of Chinese Painters in the New Period中国新闻界的“半边天”
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CHINA ECONOMIC REPORT 2021 Toward a New Journey of Modernization文学地理学原理:全2册
Principles of Literary Geography