In 2019, under the effect of multiple factors such as the synchronized decline of the world economy, the continuous fermentation of domestic structural factors, and the increase of cyclical downward force, China's macroeconomy has bid farewell to the platform period of “steady slowdown” in 2016-2018, with the magnitude of the economic growth rate decreasing, and the economic structure differentiating obviously. Under the triple impact of five major short-term cyclical factors falling synchronously, three traditional dividends accelerating and diminishing, and two major temporary emergencies, China's macroeconomic resilience and toughness have been comprehensively revealed, and under the counter-cyclical adjustment policies centered on the “six stabilizers” and the ongoing supply-side structural reforms, China's macroeconomy has successfully held the bottom line and accomplished the expected goals. China's macro-economy successfully held the bottom line and accomplished the expected goals. However, it is worth noting that in the process of economic growth decline, the structural differentiation of the economy is more serious, with upgraded structural adjustment slowing down while depressed structural adjustment continues to accelerate, which will lead to a difficult period of economic structural adjustment in China in 2019. Based on the above qualitative judgment, this book sets a series of parameters and utilizes Renmin University of China's China Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Model-CMAFM model to forecast China's core macroeconomic indicators in 2020, and puts forward eight aspects of policy recommendations on the basis of the above judgment and forecast.
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