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The Qing Dynasty tusi studies


土司制度 研究 中国 清代






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First, there is a theoretical novelty, which proposes to observe toast from "three levels" and "four perspectives", and puts forward the 28-character theory and toast type theory to identify toast, and also expounds the theory of toast on the basis of regional changes in toast. It is clearly stated that the toast is a hereditary official appointed by the imperial court. The Tusi Constant Administration was a local government under the dynastic state system, and the Tusi governed the localities and practiced "conformist" hereditary rule. Second, the content is innovative, the book proposes that the study of toast should be studied from the changes of the toast area and the changes of the toast city, namely: the geographical distribution and architectural layout of the toast city in the Qing Dynasty, the political and cultural interaction of the Qing Dynasty toast, the social class and hierarchy of the Qing Dynasty Tusi, the political culture of the Qing Dynasty Tusi family, the Qing Dynasty Tusi Office, the institutions and functions of the Qing Dynasty Tusi government, and the local administrative system of the Qing Dynasty Tusi area, to carry out the changes of the Tusi area, the political culture of the Tusi town and the mausoleum, and the political and cultural structure of the Tusi area. Research in five areas, including the lifestyle of the toast aristocracy and the political and cultural interaction of the toast. While studying the toast system practiced by the Central Dynasty, he also studied the system of mutual restraint between toast and the management of family village communities by toast, and the study went deep into the internal and local levels of the Tusi Administration and the internal weaving of the local level. Third, there is a novelty in the use of materials, in addition to a large number of official documents, the book also uses folk literature, which has not been seen before. Fourth, the method is innovative, the book uses the empirical method of history, there is history and theory, allegorical in history, in the analysis of the interest, the use of other disciplines other than history to pay attention to the specific grasp of time, place, process, event, region, structure, function, level and other aspects, so that the content of the book is readable, and it is also convenient for governments at all levels in ethnic areas to carry out the construction of cultural undertakings.(AI翻译)
