The Chinese Journal of Phonetics, organized by the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Social Sciences, is an important publication platform for the Chinese phonetics community, marking new achievements in phonetics. This issue has a large number of experimental phonological results, including a statistical analysis of the four levels of vowels in Beijing Mandarin, and an analysis of the stopping rate of emphasized focus clauses in Guangzhou Mandarin, among other aspects of phonology.
Chinese Journal of Phonetics汉语焦点结构的句法研究
A Syntactic Study On Chinese Focus Constructions语文词典语义类别释义的多维研究
A Multidimensional Study on the Interpretation of Semantic Categories in Language Dictionaries中国的价值观:英文
China's Value构建中非人文交流高地:中国非洲研究院“三大讲坛”文集.第二集(英文)
Towards Building the Highland of People-to-People Exchanges Between China and Africa:An Anthology of “Three Lectures” of the China-Africa Institute (No.2)